Default Container Apps Balancer algorithm

Shea Lavington 0 Reputation points

The Container Apps default setup without selecting VNet comes with a default load balancer.

What's the container apps default balancing behavior?

Does it use a round-robin algorithm to evenly balance every browser request across all replicas (expecting the container to be stateless), or does it route all requests from an IP source to a single app replica (expecting the container to be stateful)?

The documentation has left me and a colleague in disagreement.

This article and others including asking ChatGPT leads me to believe that HTTP requests default to a round-robin algorithm and that ALL requests even when from the same IP are balanced evenly across all replicas (stateless containers).

My colleague followed the below article and believes that the default container apps balancing mode uses IP based balancing to a single stateful replica per session. (Session persistence: Client IP).

We've struggled to get an actual answer from Azure.

Azure Container Apps
Azure Container Apps
An Azure service that provides a general-purpose, serverless container platform.
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