Export More than 65,000 Records from Access Macro Query

McCullough, Julius 0 Reputation points

Hi all, I am trying to export this query called Policy Snapshot. I have a macro that runs this query and outputs the file in a particular location. The last few times my team and I ran the query, we noticed that the query will not export more than around 65.5k rows of data, but we have more data that needs to be exported--around 70,555. I saw on an older version of this forum that this is because we are trying to "export with formatting and layout". I also saw someone on this forum say to try and use DoCmd.TransferSpreadhseet instead of DoCmd.OutputTo and to use acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12XML as the spreadsheet type instead of acOutputQuery. I tried this and the Macro would not run. Essentially, I am just trying to figure out a way to have Access export more than 65,000 rows of data into one file and it does not have to be formatted. I know there is a way to a tell Access to export 65,000 rows twice so that we can get all 70,000 records of data, although it will be in two separate excel files, the joining of these files should be simple. I'm just not to sure how to set up that code to get Access to export the remaining code on a separate excel file after it exports the 65,000 rows of data.DoCmd.OutputTo

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Access: A family of Microsoft relational database management systems designed for ease of use.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
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  1. Ken Sheridan 2,756 Reputation points
    You might like to try the following function.  This exports the result table of a query to a delimited text file by writing the data to the file row by row.  You can then open the file with Excel and save it as an Excel workbook: 
    Function ExportToText(strQuery As String, _
                        strExportTo As String, _
                        strDelim As String, _
                        blnQuoteText As Boolean, _
                        Optional blnHasFieldNames As Boolean = True)
    ' Accepts:
    ' strQuery - Text - name of query to be exported
    ' strExportTo - Text- path to file to export to
    ' strDelim - Text - delimiter character(s) to separate fields
    ' blnQuoteText - Boolean - True to enclose text or memo data in quotes
    ' blnHasFieldNames - Boolean - (optional) - True (default) to export field names as first line
       Dim dbs As DAO.Database
       Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
       Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
       Dim prm As DAO.Parameter
       Dim fld As DAO.Field
       Dim n As Integer
       Dim strPrintList As String
       Dim strQuote As String
       Set dbs = CurrentDb
       Set qdf = dbs.QueryDefs(strQuery)
       ' evaluate query's parameters, if any
       For Each prm In qdf.Parameters
           prm = Eval(prm.Name)
       Next prm
       Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset
       If Dir(strExportTo) <> "" Then
           If MsgBox("Overwrite " & strExportTo & "?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Export Query") = vbYes Then
               Kill strExportTo
           ElseIf MsgBox("Append rows to " & strExportTo & "?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Export Query") = vbNo Then
               Exit Function
           End If
       End If
       With rst
           If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then
               Open strExportTo For Append As #1
               If blnHasFieldNames Then
                    ' include column headings in text file
                    For n = 0 To qdf.Fields.Count - 1
                         strPrintList = strPrintList & strDelim & qdf.Fields(n).Name
                    Next n
                    ' remove leading delimiter
                    strPrintList = Mid$(strPrintList, Len(strDelim) + 1)
                    Print #1, strPrintList
                    strPrintList = ""
               End If
               Do While Not .EOF
                   For n = 0 To qdf.Fields.Count - 1
                       Set fld = .Fields(n)
                       strQuote = IIf(blnQuoteText And (fld.Type = dbText Or fld.Type = dbMemo), """", "")
                       strPrintList = strPrintList & strDelim & strQuote & _
                       .Fields(n) & strQuote
                   Next n
                   ' remove leading delimiter
                   strPrintList = Mid$(strPrintList, Len(strDelim) + 1)
                   Print #1, strPrintList
                   strPrintList = ""
               Close #1
           End If
       End With
    End Function
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