Biztalk: How to save all original incoming Streams/Files to an archive folder.

Filosovah 5 Reputation points


i need to save all incoming streams/files (EDI, JSON, XML etc) as .txt files into an archive Folder before it is converted to xml by the biztalk server.

A custom pipeline component does not seem to be the recommended solution for this.

Is there any Solution considered as the best for this purpose?

yes, i have to do it in Biztalk. I have strict orders to not use another application or script for this.

this is what i've done in the Execute Method of my custom Pipeline Component:

(The Method Copy2Archive is just a simple string to file procedure and the Variable CustomPath is an object inside the IpropertyBag which lets you define a custom archivefolder for every port.)

        public IBaseMessage Execute(IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage pInMsg)
            if (pInMsg.BodyPart != null)
                MemoryStream copyStream = new MemoryStream();
                long positionOfOriginalStream = pInMsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream().Position;
                pInMsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream().Position = positionOfOriginalStream;
                byte[] input = new byte[copyStream.Length];
                copyStream.Read(input, 0, (Int32)copyStream.Length);
                string basestring = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(input);
                Copy2Archive(basestring, CustomPath.ToString());
            return pInMsg;
Microsoft BizTalk Server
Microsoft BizTalk Server
A family of Microsoft server products that support large-scale implementation management of enterprise application integration processes.
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