Make complete GLB model viewable inside slide

Sridharan Arumugam 20 Reputation points


I have to import GLB 3d model file in powerpoint and make full model visible using my python script. I could import file to powerpoint but full model is not visible.

After unzip powerpoint file, we get slide.xml file. In this XML file, we have node named 'camera'. I have pasted below sample camera node content.


<am3d:pos x="0" y="0" z="11713743"/>

<am3d:up dx="0" dy="36000000" dz="0"/>

<am3d:lookAt x="0" y="0" z="0"/>

<am3d:perspective fov="2700000"/>


I need to compute z attribute of 'am3d:pos' node. My logic to compute this value does not show full model. Camera gets placed very closed to model. Theoretically, my logic will work but actual output is not correct. Should i need to add/multiply any scale factor ?

I have kept FOV is fixed at 45degree. Below code has '36000000' to convert meter to powerpoint unit.

My codeAsk

        glb_scene = trimesh.load(glb_path)
		radius = math.sqrt(glb_scene.bounding_sphere.area/(4 * math.pi))
        z_distance = (radius)/math.tan(math.radians(45/2))
        camera_posz = int(z_distance * 36000000)
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