Sending email though powershell with Microsoft Graph

Calvin Quint 0 Reputation points

I am using the following powershell script to test the functionality of email notification using Microsoft Graph. The emai script sends the email but in the inbox of the receiver I am getting a failed delivery.

# Configuration
$clientId = " "          # Replace with your client ID from Azure Portal
$clientSecret = "xR58Q~kFupQw97inkyh9el62elMHzKIBhOBcubqj"  # Replace with your client secret from Azure Portal
$tenantId = " "          # Replace with your tenant ID
$recipientEmail = " "  # Replace with the recipient's email address
$fromEmail = " " # Replace with the email address sending the email

# Function to get access token using v2 endpoint
function Get-AccessToken {
    param (

    $tokenEndpoint = "$tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"
    $body = @{
        grant_type    = "client_credentials"
        client_id     = $clientId
        client_secret = $clientSecret
        scope         = ""

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $tokenEndpoint -Method Post -Body $body
    return $response.access_token

# Function to send email using Microsoft Graph API
function Send-Email {
    param (

    $graphApiEndpoint = "$($recipientEmail)/sendMail"
    $headers = @{
        Authorization = "Bearer $accessToken"
        "Content-Type" = "application/json"

    $emailData = @{
        message = @{
            subject = $subject
            body = @{
                contentType = "Text"
                content = $body
            toRecipients = @(
                    emailAddress = @{
                        address = $recipientEmail
            from = @{
                emailAddress = @{
                    address = $fromEmail

    $emailJson = $emailData | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $graphApiEndpoint -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $emailJson -ContentType "application/json"

# Main script
try {
    # Get the access token
    $accessToken = Get-AccessToken -clientId $clientId -clientSecret $clientSecret -tenantId $tenantId

    # Compose the email subject and body
    $subject = "Test Email from PowerShell"
    $body = "This is a test email sent from PowerShell using Microsoft Graph API."
    $sender = "Sender Name <$fromEmail>"

    # Send the email
    Send-Email -accessToken $accessToken -recipientEmail $recipientEmail -subject $subject -body $body -fromEmail $sender

    Write-Host "Email sent successfully!"
catch {
    Write-Host "Failed to send email: $($_.Exception.Message)"

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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A family of Microsoft task automation and configuration management frameworks consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.
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1 answer

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  1. Justin Workman 0 Reputation points

    In the URL for $graphApiEndpoint in the Send-Email function, the $recipientEmail is present. This should be the sender address.