configure internet information services features failed while i install microsoft azure site recovery unified setup

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2023-09-28T02:03:03.7996201+00:00 Always: Trace Session Started


02:03:03:Application Started

02:03:03:.NET Framework Version 4.8.04161 installed

02:03:03:.NET Framework Version 4.6.2 or later is detected.

02:03:04:MySQL is not installed on the server.

02:03:04:currentBuildVersion - 9.55.6765.1

02:03:04:Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Configuration/Process Server Dependencies is not installed on the server.

02:03:04:Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Configuration/Process Server is not installed on the server.

02:03:04:Fresh installation scenario.

02:03:04:Found machine identifier as acd2e059-14b0-450a-9173-3788b0f006db.

02:03:04:tls check value : False

02:03:05:MySQL is not installed on the server.

02:03:05:Culture installed with Operating System: en-US

02:03:05:UI Culture : en-US

02:03:05:Current Culture : en-US

02:03:05:English operating system.

02:03:05:Current culture and current UI culture are English.

02:03:05:Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Configuration/Process Server Dependencies is not installed on the server.

02:03:05:Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Configuration/Process Server is not installed on the server.

02:03:05:CXTP/CS/PS is not installed.

02:03:05:Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Mobility Service/Master Target Server is not installed on the server.

02:03:05:The junction directory (C:\ProgramData\ASR) doesn't exists.

02:03:06:Adding Page LaunchPage

02:03:06:Skipping stage addition. Stage Null

02:03:06:Enter UnifiedSetup.LaunchPage

02:03:06:Active navigation for

02:03:06:Adding Page InstallationChoice

02:03:06:Adding before_you_begin key to dictionary

02:03:06:Adding Page ThirdpartySoftwareLicensePage

02:03:06:Adding third_party_software_license key to dictionary

02:03:06:Adding Page ASRRegistrationPage

02:03:06:Adding azure_site_recovery_registration key to dictionary

02:03:06:Adding Page ReplicationApplianceDetailsPage

02:03:06:Adding configuration_server_details key to dictionary

02:03:06:Adding Page ProxyConfigurationPage

02:03:06:Adding internet_settings key to dictionary

02:03:06:Adding Page PrerequisitesPage

02:03:06:Adding prerequisite_check key to dictionary

02:03:06:Adding Page MySQLPage

02:03:06:Adding mysql_configuration key to dictionary

02:03:06:Adding Page EnvironmentDetailsPage

02:03:06:Adding environment_details key to dictionary

02:03:06:Adding Page InstallLocationPage

02:03:06:Adding install_location key to dictionary

02:03:06:Adding Page NetworkSelectionPage

02:03:06:Adding network_selection key to dictionary

02:03:06:Adding Page Summary

02:03:06:Adding summary key to dictionary

02:03:06:Adding Page InstallationProgress

02:03:06:Adding installation_progress key to dictionary

02:03:06:Exit UnifiedSetup.LaunchPage

02:03:06:Enabling clickable navigation for

02:03:06:Inactive navigation for

02:03:06:Enter UnifiedSetup.InstallationChoice

02:03:06:Active navigation for before_you_begin

02:03:09:User clicked CSPS Radio button.

02:03:09:Set server mode to CS

02:03:09:Exit UnifiedSetup.InstallationChoice

02:03:09:Enabling clickable navigation for before_you_begin

02:03:09:Inactive navigation for before_you_begin

02:03:09:Enter UnifiedSetup.ThirdpartySoftwareLicensePage

02:03:09:Active navigation for third_party_software_license

02:03:13:Enabling the next button as ThirdpartySoftwareLicenseCheckbox has been checked.

02:03:15:Exit UnifiedSetup.ThirdpartySoftwareLicensePage

02:03:15:Enabling clickable navigation for third_party_software_license

02:03:15:Inactive navigation for third_party_software_license

02:03:15:Enter UnifiedSetup.ASRRegistrationPage

02:03:15:Active navigation for azure_site_recovery_registration

02:03:27:Enable the next button.

02:03:28:Set valutCredsFilePath to C:\Users\nifan\Downloads\inbay-onprem-migration-MigrateVault-1145981315_Thu Sep 28 2023.VaultCredentials

02:03:28:Exit UnifiedSetup.ASRRegistrationPage

02:03:28:Enabling clickable navigation for azure_site_recovery_registration

02:03:28:Inactive navigation for azure_site_recovery_registration

02:03:28:Enter UnifiedSetup.ProxyConfigurationPage

02:03:28:Active navigation for internet_settings

02:03:28:Adding proxy type status to CheckingPending.

02:03:28:MySQL is not installed on the server.

02:03:30:Set ProxyType to Bypass

02:03:30:Invoking the Validate page internal.

02:03:30:ProxyConnectionState: CheckingPending

02:03:30:Checking connectivity to end points url's.

02:03:30:Endpoint URLs :

02:03:30:Endpoint URLs :

02:03:30:Endpoint URLs :

02:03:30:Endpoint URLs :

02:03:30:Endpoint URLs :

02:03:30:Endpoint URLs :

02:03:30:Endpoint URLs :

02:03:30:Checking for Bypass settings

02:03:32:connectionState for Bypass proxy: True

02:03:32:status = True

02:03:32:UpdateProxySettingsInRegistry : address = , port = , userName =

02:03:32:Exit UnifiedSetup.ProxyConfigurationPage

02:03:32:Enabling clickable navigation for internet_settings

02:03:32:Inactive navigation for internet_settings

02:03:32:Enter UnifiedSetup.PrerequisitesPage

02:03:32:Active navigation for prerequisite_check

02:03:32:File C:\ProgramData\ASRSetupLogs\PrereqStatusFile.txt doesn't exist.

02:03:32:Invoking TriggerValidationInNewThread.

02:03:33:Writing Checking for sufficient machine memory status information to the log.

02:03:34:Writing Checking the number of processor cores status information to the log.

02:03:35:Writing System restart pending check status information to the log.

02:03:36:Writing Server OS check status information to the log.

02:03:37:Writing Checking the IIS website configuration status information to the log.

02:03:37:Writing Checking anonymous authentication status status information to the log.

02:03:37:Writing Checking FastCgi application configuration status information to the log.

02:03:37:Writing Checking IIS port bindings status information to the log.

02:03:38:Writing Checking registry access group policy settings status information to the log.

02:03:38:Writing Checking access to command prompt status information to the log.

02:03:38:Writing Checking Trust logic file attachments group policy settings status information to the log.

02:03:39:Writing Checking PowerShell scripts execution status status information to the log.

02:03:39:Writing Checking if server configured to use non FIPS-compliant encryption status information to the log.

02:03:40:Writing Time in sync check status information to the log.

02:03:41:Writing Free space availability check status information to the log.

02:03:42:Writing Checking for Static IP Addresses status information to the log.

02:03:44:Writing Checking for Strawberry Perl(v5.8.8) status information to the log.

02:03:44:Invoking PurgeDraRegistry method.

02:03:44:Invoking UpdateButtonStateandUI and UpdateNextButtonStateOnSuccess methods when all the pre-requisites succeed.

02:03:46:Exit UnifiedSetup.PrerequisitesPage

02:03:46:Enabling clickable navigation for prerequisite_check

02:03:46:Inactive navigation for prerequisite_check

02:03:46:Enter UnifiedSetup.MySQLPage

02:03:46:Active navigation for mysql_configuration

02:03:57:Exit UnifiedSetup.MySQLPage

02:03:57:Enabling clickable navigation for mysql_configuration

02:03:57:Inactive navigation for mysql_configuration

02:03:57:Enter UnifiedSetup.EnvironmentDetailsPage

02:03:57:Active navigation for environment_details

02:03:59:User has selected the 'No' radio button for protecting VMware virtual machines.

02:03:59:Enable Previous, Next and Cancel buttons.

02:04:00:Set EnvType to NonVMWare

02:04:00:Exit UnifiedSetup.EnvironmentDetailsPage

02:04:00:Enabling clickable navigation for environment_details

02:04:00:Inactive navigation for environment_details

02:04:00:Enter UnifiedSetup.InstallLocationPage

02:04:00:Active navigation for install_location

02:04:00:C:\ has 493 GB free space.

02:04:00:D:\ has 72 GB free space.

02:04:00:The largest NTFS drive available in the system is C:.

02:04:00:Enter Page: Displaying C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Site Recovery in InstallLocationTextBox.

02:04:00:C:\ has 493 GB free space.

02:04:00:D:\ has 72 GB free space.

02:04:00:The largest NTFS drive available in the system is C:.

02:04:00:C:\ has 493 GB free space.

02:04:00:D:\ has 72 GB free space.

02:04:00:The largest NTFS drive available in the system is C:.

02:04:00:Enabled next button as the drive selected C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Site Recovery has more than 5 GB free space.

02:04:03:Set CXInstallDir to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Site Recovery\home\svsystems

02:04:03:Set AgentInstallDir to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Site Recovery

02:04:03:Validating free space for C:\ drive.

02:04:03:The freespace available in C:\ is 493 GB.

02:04:03:Comparing user selected drive: C with NTFS drive: C available in the system.

02:04:03:The drive path selected : C is a NTFS drive path.

02:04:03:Comparing user selected drive: C with NTFS drive: D available in the system.

02:04:03:Validating free space for C:\ drive.

02:04:03:The freespace available in C:\ is 493 GB.

02:04:03:Comparing user selected drive: C with NTFS drive: C available in the system.

02:04:03:The drive path selected : C is a NTFS drive path.

02:04:03:Comparing user selected drive: C with NTFS drive: D available in the system.

02:04:03:Exit UnifiedSetup.InstallLocationPage

02:04:03:Enabling clickable navigation for install_location

02:04:03:Inactive navigation for install_location

02:04:03:Enter UnifiedSetup.NetworkSelectionPage

02:04:03:Active navigation for network_selection

02:04:09:IP address( validation has succeeded.

02:04:09:Set PSIP to

02:04:09:Set DataTransferSecurePort to 9443

02:04:09:IP address( validation has succeeded.

02:04:09:Set AZUREIP to

02:04:09:IP address( validation has succeeded.

02:04:09:Set PSIP to

02:04:09:Set DataTransferSecurePort to 9443

02:04:09:IP address( validation has succeeded.

02:04:09:Set AZUREIP to

02:04:09:Exit UnifiedSetup.NetworkSelectionPage

02:04:09:Enabling clickable navigation for network_selection

02:04:09:Inactive navigation for network_selection

02:04:09:Enter UnifiedSetup.Summary

02:04:09:Active navigation for summary

02:04:10:Exit UnifiedSetup.Summary

02:04:10:Enabling clickable navigation for summary

02:04:10:Inactive navigation for summary

02:04:10:Enter UnifiedSetup.InstallationProgress

02:04:10:Active navigation for installation_progress

02:04:10:Disabling sidebar navigation and finish button.

02:04:10:UI changes: Fresh

02:04:10:Agent installation directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Site Recovery

02:04:10:Agent role: MT

02:04:10:Communication mode: Https

02:04:10:CS IP:

02:04:10:CS Port: 443

02:04:10:CX installation directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Site Recovery\home\svsystems

02:04:10:Environment type: NonVMWare

02:04:10:Installation type: Fresh

02:04:10:Mysql file path: C:\Temp\ASRSetup\MySQLCredentialsFile.txt

02:04:10:Passphrase file path:

02:04:10:Source config file path:

02:04:10:Proxy settings file path:

02:04:10:Proxy type: Bypass

02:04:10:PS IP:

02:04:10:AZURE IP:

02:04:10:Re installation status:

02:04:10:Server mode: CS

02:04:10:Skip space check: false

02:04:10:Valut file path: C:\Users\nifan\Downloads\inbay-onprem-migration-MigrateVault-1145981315_Thu Sep 28 2023.VaultCredentials

02:04:12:MySQL is not installed on the server.

02:04:12:MySQL is not installed on the server.

02:04:12:Using Bypass proxy settings...

02:04:12:Is MySql setup file - 5.7.20 already exists: True

02:04:13:MySQL setup file - 5.7.20 already exists.

02:04:15:MySQL setup file - 5.7.20 already exists.

02:04:16:MySQL setup file - 5.7.20 already exists.

02:04:16:Update UI : MySQL success

02:04:16:mySQLInstStatus : Success

02:04:16:Deleting the C:\ProgramData\ASRSetupLogs\MySQLDownload.log file.

02:04:16:Creating C:\ProgramData\ASRSetupLogs\MySQLDownload.log file.

02:04:16:IIS installation status registry key is set to : Failed

02:04:16:Installing Internet Information Services.

02:04:16:Setup is unable to install IIS.

ArgumentNotValid: The role, role service, or feature name is not valid: 'PowerShell-ISE'. The name was not found.

02:04:16:Update UI : IIS installation failed. Aborting the installation.

02:04:16:iisInstStatus : Failure

02:04:16:cxtpInstStatus : Checking

02:04:16:cxInstStatus : Checking

02:04:16:mtInstStatus : Checking

02:04:16:marsInstStatus : Checking

02:04:16:marsInstStatus : Checking

02:04:16:Invoking ServerConfiguration.

02:04:22:Skipping DRA service check

02:04:23:Trying to open C:\ProgramData\ASRSetupLogs\ASRUnifiedSetup.log

i am totaly upset i cant even fisn any sollutions for this issue sinec i tried more then 5 servers still cant find solution

Windows Server Migration
Windows Server Migration
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.Migration: The process of making existing applications and data work on a different computer or operating system.
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