In a Microsoft Ads sandbox environment, I obtained a report for "AdPerformanceReportRequest" using the Reporting API, but when I accessed the download URL, it returned "ResourceNotFound".

定之 兼子 45 Reputation points

I created a campaign, ad ID, and ad in a Microsoft Ads sandbox environment. The number of clicks is entered as shown in the attached image below (Test Ads).

Then, using the Bing Ads API's Reporting API, I retrieved "AdPerformanceReportRequest" using the curl command below. When I used "PollingGenerateReport", the status was "Success" and I was issued a download URL. When I accessed the issued URL using a browser, an error like the one shown in the attached image (Error) above was displayed.

Even if I make various changes to the XML, the result remains the same. How can I make the report available for download?


Test Ads

curl -X POST \      -H "Content-Type: text/xml" \      -H "SOAPAction: SubmitGenerateReport" \      --data-raw ' <s:Envelope xmlns:i="" xmlns:s="">   <s:Header xmlns="">     <Action mustUnderstand="1">SubmitGenerateReport</Action>     <AuthenticationToken>{access_token}</AuthenticationToken>     <CustomerAccountId>{aid}</CustomerAccountId>     <CustomerId>{cid}</CustomerId>     <DeveloperToken>BBD37VB98</DeveloperToken>   </s:Header>   <s:Body>     <SubmitGenerateReportRequest xmlns="">       <ReportRequest xsi:nil="false" xsi:type="AdPerformanceReportRequest" xmlns:xsi="">         <Format>Csv</Format>         <ReportName>ReportName111</ReportName>         <ReturnOnlyCompleteData>false</ReturnOnlyCompleteData>         <Aggregation>Summary</Aggregation>         <Columns>           <AdPerformanceReportColumn>Clicks</AdPerformanceReportColumn>           <AdPerformanceReportColumn>Headline</AdPerformanceReportColumn>         </Columns>         <Filter>           <AdStatus>Pending</AdStatus>         </Filter>         <Scope>           <AccountIds xmlns:a1="">             <a1:long>{aid}</a1:long>           </AccountIds>         </Scope>         <Time>           <PredefinedTime>Last14Days</PredefinedTime>         </Time>       </ReportRequest>     </SubmitGenerateReportRequest>   </s:Body> </s:Envelope>' \
Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
401 questions
Microsoft Advertising
Microsoft Advertising
A platform for Microsoft's advertising efforts designed to manage all advertising and reporting for partner advertisers. Previously known as Bing Ads and adCenter.
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