How to achieve ink replay without losing the original properties of the ink?

鲤鱼 秀 65 Reputation points

I'm trying to implement ink replay in my application, and I'm using the code from this sample application, and the key content is as follows.

However, the following code does not apply the original properties of the ink when playing the animation. Let's say I draw a highlighter handwriting, but when the ink is replayed, it's a black ballpoint pen handwriting.

I would appreciate it if you could help me.

private void OnReplay(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (strokeBuilder == null)
                strokeBuilder = new InkStrokeBuilder();
                inkReplayTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
                inkReplayTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / FPS);
                inkReplayTimer.Tick += InkReplayTimer_Tick;
            strokesToReplay = inkCanvas.InkPresenter.StrokeContainer.GetStrokes();
            ReplayButton.IsEnabled = false;
            inkCanvas.InkPresenter.IsInputEnabled = false;
            // Calculate the beginning of the earliest stroke and the end of the latest stroke.
            // This establishes the time period during which the strokes were collected.
            beginTimeOfRecordedSession = DateTimeOffset.MaxValue;
            endTimeOfRecordedSession = DateTimeOffset.MinValue;
            foreach (InkStroke stroke in strokesToReplay)
                DateTimeOffset? startTime = stroke.StrokeStartedTime;
                TimeSpan? duration = stroke.StrokeDuration;
                if (startTime.HasValue && duration.HasValue)
                    if (beginTimeOfRecordedSession > startTime.Value)
                        beginTimeOfRecordedSession = startTime.Value;
                    if (endTimeOfRecordedSession < startTime.Value + duration.Value)
                        endTimeOfRecordedSession = startTime.Value + duration.Value;
            // If we found at least one stroke with a timestamp, then we can replay.
            if (beginTimeOfRecordedSession != DateTimeOffset.MaxValue)
                durationOfRecordedSession = endTimeOfRecordedSession - beginTimeOfRecordedSession;
                ReplayProgress.Maximum = durationOfRecordedSession.TotalMilliseconds;
                ReplayProgress.Value = 0.0;
                ReplayProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                beginTimeOfReplay = DateTime.Now;
                rootPage.NotifyUser("Replay started.", NotifyType.StatusMessage);
                // There was nothing to replay. Either there were no strokes at all,
                // or none of the strokes had timestamps.
        private void StopReplay()
            ReplayButton.IsEnabled = true;
            inkCanvas.InkPresenter.IsInputEnabled = true;
            ReplayProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
        private void InkReplayTimer_Tick(object sender, object e)
            var currentTimeOfReplay = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            TimeSpan timeElapsedInReplay = currentTimeOfReplay - beginTimeOfReplay;
            ReplayProgress.Value = timeElapsedInReplay.TotalMilliseconds;
            DateTimeOffset timeEquivalentInRecordedSession = beginTimeOfRecordedSession + timeElapsedInReplay;
            inkCanvas.InkPresenter.StrokeContainer = GetCurrentStrokesView(timeEquivalentInRecordedSession);
            if (timeElapsedInReplay > durationOfRecordedSession)
                rootPage.NotifyUser("Replay finished.", NotifyType.StatusMessage);
        private InkStrokeContainer GetCurrentStrokesView(DateTimeOffset time)
            var inkStrokeContainer = new InkStrokeContainer();
            // The purpose of this sample is to demonstrate the timestamp usage,
            // not the algorithm. (The time complexity of the code is O(N^2).)
            foreach (InkStroke stroke in strokesToReplay)
                InkStroke s = GetPartialStroke(stroke, time);
                if (s != null)
            return inkStrokeContainer;
        private InkStroke GetPartialStroke(InkStroke stroke, DateTimeOffset time)
            DateTimeOffset? startTime = stroke.StrokeStartedTime;
            TimeSpan? duration = stroke.StrokeDuration;
            if (!startTime.HasValue || !duration.HasValue)
                // If a stroke does not have valid timestamp, then treat it as
                // having been drawn before the playback started.
                // We must return a clone of the stroke, because a single stroke cannot
                // exist in more than one container.
                return stroke.Clone();
            if (time < startTime.Value)
                // Stroke has not started
                return null;
            if (time >= startTime.Value + duration.Value)
                // Stroke has already ended.
                // We must return a clone of the stroke, because a single stroke cannot exist in more than one container.
                return stroke.Clone();
            // Stroke has started but not yet ended.
            // Create a partial stroke on the assumption that the ink points are evenly distributed in time.
            IReadOnlyList<InkPoint> points = stroke.GetInkPoints();
            var portion = (time - startTime.Value).TotalMilliseconds / duration.Value.TotalMilliseconds;
            var count = (int)((points.Count - 1) * portion) + 1;
            return strokeBuilder.CreateStrokeFromInkPoints(points.Take(count), System.Numerics.Matrix3x2.Identity, startTime, time - startTime);
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