Delayed Payment Issue with Microsoft Partner Center



I’m reaching out because I’m experiencing an issue with the payment process in the Microsoft Partner Center. I received a payment notification on the 16th of February, and the Microsoft Partner Center shows the payment as sent. However, it’s been over two weeks and I still haven’t received the payment in my bank account.

I’ve double-checked my payout profile and everything seems to be configured correctly. I recently opened this business account and this is the first payment I was supposed to receive.

I’ve tried to find a way to open a support ticket in the Microsoft Partner Center regarding this issue, but I haven’t been successful. I’m hoping someone here might have experienced a similar issue and could provide some guidance or assistance.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Microsoft Partner Center
Microsoft Partner Center
A Microsoft website for partners that provides access to product support, a partner community, and other partner services.
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