Azure Container App Running RabbitMQ keeps creating new replicas

Wycliffe Mohapi 0 Reputation points

We have a configuration where we have an azure container app

The container app is running Rabbit MQ image rabbitmq:3.12.2-management-alpine
We are trying to replace rabbit MQ running in a linux vm because of skills issue

We have TCP health probes that connect to second port 15672

Number of CPU cores 2

Memory size (Gi) 4Gi

our scaling is set to
Min / max replicas 1 - 1

The container app keeps creating new replicas and this sometimes brings down the rabbit mq with the error RabbitMQ - vhost '/' is down

How can we prevent the creation of new replicas and stabilize the setup?

Below is the setup


"revisionSuffix": null,

"containers": [


  "image": "",

  "name": "horizon-shared-ca-rabbitmq",

  "env": [


      "name": "RABBITMQ_NODENAME",

      "value": "****************"



  "resources": {

    "cpu": 2.0,

    "memory": "4Gi"


  "probes": [


      "type": "Liveness",

      "failureThreshold": 30,

      "initialDelaySeconds": 60,

      "periodSeconds": 240,

      "successThreshold": 1,

      "tcpSocket": {

        "port": 15672


      "timeoutSeconds": 60



      "type": "Readiness",

      "failureThreshold": 30,

      "initialDelaySeconds": 60,

      "periodSeconds": 240,

      "successThreshold": 1,

      "tcpSocket": {

        "port": 15672


      "timeoutSeconds": 60



      "type": "Startup",

      "failureThreshold": 30,

      "initialDelaySeconds": 60,

      "periodSeconds": 240,

      "successThreshold": 1,

      "tcpSocket": {

        "port": 15672


      "timeoutSeconds": 60



  "volumeMounts": [


      "volumeName": "shared-rabbitmq-fs",

      "mountPath": "/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia"





"scale": {

"minReplicas": 1,

"maxReplicas": 1,

"rules": null


"volumes": [


  "name": "shared-rabbitmq-fs",

  "storageType": "AzureFile",

  "storageName": "shared-rabbitmq-fs"




Azure Container Apps
Azure Container Apps
An Azure service that provides a general-purpose, serverless container platform.
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