Hi @TEE WEI KIAT I wanted to check if you have followed the steps provided in the article Publish the application. When you zipped the contents of the Azure function did you make sure the zipped folder does not include an extra layer for the publish folder itself. It should only contain the contents that were inside the publish folder.
Can you confirm if the ProvisioningState
said Succeeded
when you deployed the function using the below CLI command
az functionapp deployment source config-zip --resource-group <resource-group> --name <name-of-your-function-app> --src "<full-path-to-publish.zip>"
May I know the output of the below command which lets you know the status of the function
az functionapp function show --resource-group <your-resource-group> --name <your-function-app> --function-n
Issue resolved after recreating the function App