Cannot delete Viva Learning Provider even if all related Course-Activities and Learning-Contents are deleted

René Nicolao 0 Reputation points

We created a bunch of Learning Providers in our tenant for testing purposes.

We also created Learning Contents and assigned those contents to some users in our tenant by creating Course-Activities using Graph API

  • POST /employeeExperience/learningProviders/{providerId}/learningCourseActivities

Now we would like to get rid of those providers but we are not able to delete them.

What we tried so far:

  • We first deleted all Learning-Contents and all Course-Activities related to the providers.
  • We even wrote a script to return all Course-Activities for all 3000 users of our tenant and deleted all entries which were related to our Learning-Providers. So there should definitely be no course-activities left anymore.
  • We tried multiple times over an entire week to delete the providers, but we always get the same error message back:
          "error": {
              "code": "forbidden",
              "message": "Request couldn't be processed. Delete all course activity records before deleting the provider.",
              "innerError": {
                  "date": "2024-04-24T06:59:13",
                  "request-id": "a47dadeb-b978-4d9c-aced-5d6e80190672",
                  "client-request-id": "a47dadeb-b978-4d9c-aced-5d6e80190672"

Additional Info:

  • The DELETE request for the Provider is submitted using delegated permissions with our AD App which has the following API Permissions:
    User's image


  • Are we missing something here or is this a bug ?
  • Is there a way to query all course assignments of a Provider without having to query the assignments of every single user ?
Viva Learning
Viva Learning
A Microsoft Viva module that provides employees with formal and informal learning.
90 questions
Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
11,269 questions
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