How to apply Width and Height of Text on CanvasDevice's DrawText, that means some text width is too small some text too high how to calculate this and apply

Saranya Karthik 40 Reputation points

//JSON file

"Templates": [


    "TemplateID": "1",

    "TemplateName": "WHITE",

    "CardFeeder": "A",

    "Sides": [


        "Side": "B",

        "Orientation": "PT", // portrait card

        "W": "648", //card width

        "H": "1016", //card height

        "FF": "HelveticaNeue-Bold.ttf#Helvetica Neue",

        "FC": "#000000",

        "DPI": "300",

        "FN": {

          "X": "37",

          "Y": "248",

          "W": "155",

          "H": "200",

          "FS": "32",

          "FF": "HelveticaNeue-Bold.ttf#Helvetica Neue",

          "FC": "#000000",

          "FW": "Bold",

          "Underline": "0",

          "Italic": "0",

          "TA": "C"


		"LN": {

          "X": "37",

          "Y": "287",

          "W": "155",

          "H": "200",

          "FS": "32",

          "FF": "HelveticaNeue-Bold.ttf#Helvetica Neue",

          "FC": "#000000",

          "FW": "Bold",

          "Underline": "0",

          "Italic": "0",

          "TA": "C"






Source code

if (CardTheme.Orientation.ToUpper().Equals("PT"))


                            if (CardTheme.FN != null)


                                ICanvasBrush fontBrush = null;

                                FontWeight fontWeight = FontWeights.Normal;

                                //Color fontColor = ParseColor(themeProperty.MID.FC);

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CardTheme.FN.FC) == false)


                                    fontBrush = ParseColor(CardTheme.FN.FC);




                                    fontBrush = ParseColor("#000000");


                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CardTheme.FN.FW) == false)


                                    fontWeight = ConvertToFontWeight(CardTheme.FN.FW);




                                    fontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;


                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CardTheme.FN.Underline) == false)


                                    if (CardTheme.FN.Underline.Equals("1"))


                                        underLine = true;


                                    else if (CardTheme.FN.Underline.Equals("0"))


                                        underLine = false;



                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CardTheme.FN.Italic) == false)


                                    if (CardTheme.FN.Italic.Equals("1"))


                                        italic = true;


                                    else if (CardTheme.FN.Italic.Equals("0"))


                                        italic = false;



                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CardTheme.FN.FF) == false)


                                    fontFamilyName = $"ms-appx:///Assets/{fontfolderName}/{CardTheme.FN.FF}";


                                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CardTheme.FF) == false)


                                    fontFamilyName = /*CardTheme.FF;*/$"ms-appx:///Assets/{CardTheme.FF}";




                                    fontFamilyName = $"ms-appx:///Assets/HelveticaNeue-Bold.ttf";


                                //ICanvasBrush fontBrush = ParseColor(CardTheme.FN.FC);

                                //FontWeight fontWeight = ConvertToFontWeight(CardTheme.FN.FW);

                                //fontFamilyName = $"ms-appx:///Assets/{fontfolderName}/{CardTheme.FN.FF}";

                                // for testing

                                //string fontFamilyName = "Helvetica Neue";

                                CanvasTextFormat textFormat = new CanvasTextFormat


                                    FontSize = CardTheme.FN.FS,

                                    FontWeight = fontWeight,

                                    FontFamily = fontFamilyName,

                                    HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Left,

                                    VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Center


                                if (italic)


                                    textFormat.FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic;


                                ds.DrawText($"{memberData.firstName}", CardTheme.FN.X, CardTheme.FN.Y, fontBrush, textFormat);


                            if (CardTheme.LN != null)


                                ICanvasBrush fontBrush = null;

                                FontWeight fontWeight = FontWeights.Normal;

                                //Color fontColor = ParseColor(themeProperty.MID.FC);

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CardTheme.LN.FC) == false)


                                    fontBrush = ParseColor(CardTheme.LN.FC);




                                    fontBrush = ParseColor("#000000");


                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CardTheme.LN.FW) == false)


                                    fontWeight = ConvertToFontWeight(CardTheme.LN.FW);




                                    fontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;


                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CardTheme.LN.Underline) == false)


                                    if (CardTheme.LN.Underline.Equals("1"))


                                        underLine = true;


                                    else if (CardTheme.LN.Underline.Equals("0"))


                                        underLine = false;



                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CardTheme.LN.Italic) == false)


                                    if (CardTheme.LN.Italic.Equals("1"))


                                        italic = true;


                                    else if (CardTheme.LN.Italic.Equals("0"))


                                        italic = false;



                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CardTheme.LN.FF) == false)


                                    fontFamilyName = $"ms-appx:///Assets/{fontfolderName}/{CardTheme.LN.FF}";


                                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CardTheme.FF) == false)


                                    fontFamilyName = /*CardTheme.FF;*/$"ms-appx:///Assets/{CardTheme.FF}";




                                    fontFamilyName = $"ms-appx:///Assets/HelveticaNeue-Bold.ttf";


                                //ICanvasBrush fontBrush = ParseColor(CardTheme.LN.FC);

                                //FontWeight fontWeight = ConvertToFontWeight(CardTheme.LN.FW);

                                //fontFamilyName = $"ms-appx:///Assets/{fontfolderName}/{CardTheme.LN.FF}";

                                CanvasTextFormat textFormat = new CanvasTextFormat


                                    FontSize = CardTheme.LN.FS,

                                    FontWeight = fontWeight,

                                    FontFamily = fontFamilyName,

                                    HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Left,

                                    VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Center



                                if (italic)


                                    textFormat.FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic;


                                ds.DrawText($"{memberData.lastName}", CardTheme.LN.X, CardTheme.LN.Y, fontBrush, textFormat);


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