Can I put a cell into the subject line of an auto email from excel?

Morris, Kasandra 0 Reputation points

My job has an excel sheet for employee attendance tracking that send out an email when an edit has been made. However, currently the email subject just shows the name of the sheet (ex. 05-10-24 attendance infraction) and then the email prompts you to click a link to view the change from your email. Is there a way to have it so it populates the latest "name" (which is in our "B" column) that was added with the last change to the subject line? I have attached the full code that the sheet has but removed the email addresses from the send to section. I am not familiar with this stuff at all but I am trying to fix this issue as I have down time.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

'Updated by Extendoffice 2017/9/12 

Dim xRgSel As Range 

Dim xOutApp As Object 

Dim xMailItem As Object 

Dim xMailBody As String 

On Error Resume Next 

Application.ScreenUpdating = False 

Application.DisplayAlerts = False 

' Define the monitored range 

Set xRg = Range("K3:K21") 

Set xRgSel = Intersect(Target, xRg) 


If Not xRgSel Is Nothing Then 

    ' Create Outlook application and email item 

    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 

    Set xMailItem = xOutApp.CreateItem(0) 

    ' Define the email body content 

    xMailBody = "Attendance Infractions has been updated." _ 

                & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "To access the latest information, kindly follow the steps outlined below:" _ 

                & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "1. Open Teams Page." _ 

                & Chr(13) & "2. Navigate to the Brody Culinary biweekly meetings section." _ 

                & Chr(13) & "3. Open the Attendance Infraction file." _ 

                & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "If you need to update and send an alert, please follow these additional steps:" _ 

                & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "1. Open Teams Page." _ 

                & Chr(13) & "2. Navigate to the Brody Culinary biweekly meetings section." _ 

                & Chr(13) & "3. Open the Attendance Infraction file." _ 

                & Chr(13) & "4. Click on Editing to enable modifications." _ 

                & Chr(13) & "5. Click Open in Excel." _ 

                & Chr(13) & "6. Insert your initials to automatically send the email." 

    ' Compose and send the email 

    With xMailItem 

        .To = 




        .CC = "" 

        .Subject = "05-11 Attendance Infraction" 

        .body = xMailBody 

        .Attachments.Add (ThisWorkbook.FullName) 


    End With 

    ' Clean up objects 

    Set xRgSel = Nothing 

    Set xOutApp = Nothing 

    Set xMailItem = Nothing 

End If 

' Restore application settings 

Application.DisplayAlerts = True 

Application.ScreenUpdating = True 

End Sub

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  1. Fahad Q. Basrawi 80 Reputation points

    Yes, you can definitely modify the code to include the latest "name" (from cell B) in the subject line of the automated email. Here's how you can achieve that:

    1. Identify the Cell with the Name:

    • Look at your code and find where it defines the monitored range for changes. This might be something like Set xRg = Range("K3:K21").
    • Change the monitored range to include the cell containing the name. For example, if the name is in cell B2, you can set Set xRg = Range("K3:K21, B2").

    2. Accessing the Name in the Code:

    • Locate the part of the code that creates the email subject line. This might be something like xMailItem.Subject = "Attendance Infractions has been updated."
    • Inside the quotes for the subject line, add the following to include the name:

    VBAYes, you can definitely modify the code to include the latest "name" (from cell B) in the subject line of the automated email. Here's how you can achieve that:

    1. Identify the Cell with the Name:

    • Look at your code and find where it defines the monitored range for changes. This might be something like Set xRg = Range("K3:K21").
    • Change the monitored range to include the cell containing the name. For example, if the name is in cell B2, you can set Set xRg = Range("K3:K21, B2").

    2. Accessing the Name in the Code:

    • Locate the part of the code that creates the email subject line. This might be something like xMailItem.Subject = "Attendance Infractions has been updated."
    • Inside the quotes for the subject line, add the following to include the name:


    & " - " & xRgSel.Cells(1, 2).Value ' Adjust the row and column based on your cell location (B2 in this example)


    • xRgSel.Cells(1, 2).Value refers to the value in the first row (change it if the name is in a different row) and second column (change it if the name is in a different column) of the monitored range (xRgSel).
    • The & symbol combines the static text with the retrieved value from the cell.

    Here's an example of the modified code snippet:


    xMailItem.Subject = "Attendance Infraction for " & xRgSel.Cells(1, 2).Value & " has been updated." ' Adjust row/column as needed

    Important Note:

    • Make sure to enable the Developer tab in Excel to access the VBA editor where you can modify the code.
    • It's recommended to test the code on a dummy dataset before implementing it on your actual sheet.

    Additional Tips:

    • You can further customize the subject line by including the date or other relevant information from the spreadsheet.
    • If you're not comfortable with VBA coding, consider using third-party add-ins that offer similar functionalities.

    By following these steps, you can automate the email subject line to include the latest "name" from cell B, making it easier for recipients to identify the specific attendance infraction.


    more_vertImportant Note:

    • Make sure to enable the Developer tab in Excel to access the VBA editor where you can modify the code.
    • It's recommended to test the code on a dummy dataset before implementing it on your actual sheet.

    Additional Tips:

    • You can further customize the subject line by including the date or other relevant information from the spreadsheet.
    • If you're not comfortable with VBA coding, consider using third-party add-ins that offer similar functionalities.

    By following these steps, you can automate the email subject line to include the latest "name" from cell B, making it easier for recipients to identify the specific attendance infraction.

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