Container Apps - Replica Memory consumption metrics

Rajiv Bansal 166 Reputation points


I have some container apps. The figures for memory consumption show in Metrics->"Memory Working Set Bytes" with aggregation max is lower than memory consumption show in "Diagnose and Solve Problems"->Container App Memory Usage. Memory allocated to container app is 0.5 GiB per replica.

  • Metrics->"Memory Working Set Bytes" with aggregation max: shows 465 MBs
  • Diagnose and Solve Problems"->Container App Memory Usage: shows 515 MBs

Which figure is correct one and why is there difference?

Secondly, Diagnose and Solve Problems section shows that "Container App Out of Memory has been detected". Container was restarted multiple times due to out of memory. But I can't find this information from container app diagnostic logs. Is there any place where I can see details about the out of memory logs.




Azure Container Apps
Azure Container Apps
An Azure service that provides a general-purpose, serverless container platform.
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