UWP When user click the tab, the focus should shift systematically to enable narrators to read the content displayed on the screen.

Abid Md 0 Reputation points
<Grid Grid.Row="1">

<TextBlock Height="auto" Style="{StaticResource PageHeadText}" Text="Candidate Test Affidavit" FontSize="{Binding Source={StaticResource Setting},Path=MainHeaderFontSize}" x:Name="tbl_headerMessage">


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    <!-- <Image Source="../../Assets/instr-notes-bg.png"></Image> -->

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        <TextBlock Height="auto"  Style="{StaticResource PageContentText}" x:Name="tbl_Instrcutions" FontSize="{Binding Source={StaticResource Setting},Path=QuestionHeaderFontSize}">

    <Run Text="Pursuant to New York Civil Service Law Section 50.11, the Department of Citywide Administrative Services will not rate the examination paper of any person who: removes any examination paper or document from the room; impersonates or cooperates in the impersonation of a candidate; cheats; uses, possesses copies, discloses or transmits or offers to sell any questions or answers without proper authorization; or otherwise fails to cooperate in the examination. Further, any person who engages in these prohibited activities may be barred from appointment to any position with the City of New York and may be guilty of a Class A Misdemeanor subject to criminal prosecution."></Run>


    <Run Text="I hereby declare and affirm that I will not communicate, duplicate, publish, transmit, or otherwise reveal the contents of this test or any part thereof. I understand that if it is determined that the contents of this test or any part thereof have been communicated, duplicated, published, transmitted, or otherwise revealed; I may be held responsible for compromising the integrity of the test, and subject to the consequences of these actions."></Run>


    <Run Text="Warning:" FontWeight="Bold"></Run>


    <Run Text="You are NOT permitted to enter the test site with electronic devices including, but not limited to, cellular phones, smart watches, recording devices, beepers, pagers, cameras, or portable media players. You are NOT permitted to use any type of headphones or ear buds. If you use any of these devices anywhere at any test site, whether in the testing area, restroom, hallway, or other location, at any time before, during or after the test or Protest Review Session, your test score will be nullified, you will be disqualified from taking any civil service tests for up to five years, and your application fee will not be refunded."></Run>




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    <CheckBox x:Name ="CheckAcknowledgement" IsChecked="{Binding AcknowledgmentChecked, Mode=TwoWay}" VerticalAlignment="Center" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" FontSize="{Binding Source={StaticResource Setting},Path=QuestionHeaderFontSize}">

        <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="I acknowledge that I have read and understood the Candidate Test Affidavit. You must check this box before continuing." VerticalAlignment="Top"  Margin="0 -5 0 0" />



Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
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