What is the recommended scope to fetch AAD token for ACR refresh token exchange?

PS 150 Reputation points

We need to exchange the AAD token for ACR refresh token. The code snippet we are currently using is fetching the AAD access token with the scope https://management.azure.com/.default. Can someone please confirm if this is the recommended scope for our use case? Below is the snippet we are using:

cred, err := azidentity.NewManagedIdentityCredential(nil)

ctx2 := context.Background()

aadToken, err := cred.GetToken(ctx, policy.TokenRequestOptions{
Scopes: []string{"https://management.azure.com/.default"}})

tenantId := "xxx"
acrService := "xxx.azurecr.io"

formData := url.Values{
		"grant_type":   {"access_token"},
		"service":      {acrService},
		"tenant":       {tenantId},
		"access_token": {aadToken.Token},

jsonResponse, err := http.PostForm(fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/oauth2/exchange", acrService), formData)  
Azure Container Apps
Azure Container Apps
An Azure service that provides a general-purpose, serverless container platform.
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