How can I find all Conversation IDs for an email message in Outlook?

Denny Majano 0 Reputation points

Is it possible to retrieve all Conversation IDs for an email message in Outlook by using the message's Internet Message ID? This is necessary because I need to match messages that have changed their subjects and have change conversation IDs with the original conversation Id.

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  1. Ganeshkumar R 265 Reputation points

    Yes, it is possible to retrieve all conversation IDs for an email message in Outlook using the message's Internet Message ID. This can be particularly useful when dealing with messages that have changed their subjects and thus altered their conversation IDs. Here's a method to achieve this using Microsoft Graph API.

    Using Microsoft Graph API

    Microsoft Graph API provides a way to access Microsoft 365 data, including Outlook mail data. You can use it to retrieve email messages and their properties, including conversation IDs.

    Steps to Retrieve Conversation IDs

    1. Get the Message by Internet Message ID:
      • Use the /messages endpoint with the $filter parameter to search for the email message using the Internet Message ID.
    2. Retrieve the Conversation ID:
      • Once you have the message, you can retrieve its conversation ID.
    3. Search for Related Messages:
      • Use the conversation ID to search for all related messages in the conversation.

    Example Code Using Microsoft Graph API

    Here’s an example using Microsoft Graph API to retrieve the conversation IDs for a message:

    Step 1: Get Access Token

    Make sure you have the necessary permissions (Mail.Read, Mail.ReadBasic, Mail.ReadWrite) and obtain an OAuth 2.0 access token.

    Step 2: Retrieve the Message by Internet Message ID

    GET$filter=internetMessageId eq '<InternetMessageID>'
    Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>

    Replace <InternetMessageID> with the actual Internet Message ID of the email and <AccessToken> with your OAuth token.

    Step 3: Extract the Conversation ID

    The response will include the message details, including the conversation ID.

        "value": [
                "id": "AAMkADkA...",
                "conversationId": "AAQkADkA...",
                "subject": "Your Subject",

    Step 4: Retrieve All Messages in the Conversation

    GET$filter=conversationId eq '<ConversationID>'
    Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>

    Replace <ConversationID> with the conversation ID obtained in the previous step.

    Python Example Using Microsoft Graph SDK

    Here’s an example using Python and the Microsoft Graph SDK:

    from msal import ConfidentialClientApplication
    import requests
    # Initialize the MSAL Confidential Client Application
    client_id = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID'
    client_secret = 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET'
    tenant_id = 'YOUR_TENANT_ID'
    authority = f'{tenant_id}'
    scope = ['']
    app = ConfidentialClientApplication(client_id, authority=authority, client_credential=client_secret)
    token_response = app.acquire_token_for_client(scopes=scope)
    access_token = token_response['access_token']
    # Step 2: Retrieve the Message by Internet Message ID
    internet_message_id = '<InternetMessageID>'
    headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'}
    url = f'$filter=internetMessageId eq \'{internet_message_id}\''
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    message = response.json()['value'][0]
    conversation_id = message['conversationId']
    # Step 4: Retrieve All Messages in the Conversation
    url = f'$filter=conversationId eq \'{conversation_id}\''
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    messages = response.json()['value']
    # Print all messages in the conversation
    for msg in messages:
        print(f"Subject: {msg['subject']}, Conversation ID: {msg['conversationId']}")

    By following these steps, you can track and match messages that have changed subjects and conversation IDs with the original conversation ID.