How to use ML.Net or Tensorflow.NET to get something from tranied saved data by tensorflow?

mc 4,026 Reputation points

There is a data file that is tensor flow trained and saved data trained by python.

I want to read it and use it by ML.NET.can it be true? use the data I have to write the model right?
2.there is a model that is code in python which is used to train it. I have to make a .net one ?
3.If I have the .net model how to use the trained saved file?

.NET Machine learning
.NET Machine learning
.NET: Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.Machine learning: A type of artificial intelligence focused on enabling computers to use observed data to evolve new behaviors that have not been explicitly programmed.
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  1. Philipp Gruber 6 Reputation points

    In general you can use pretrained models with ML.NET to make predictions. It doesn't matter if they are trained with python or not. Important thing is that the model is available in a format supported by ML.NET (e.g .TensorFlow, ONNX, Infer.NET). When you use a Tensorflow model make sure it is frozen.

    To start with ML.NET have a look at the tutorial page. When you play a little bit with the examples you get familiar with how ML.NET works. The process to load model and preform prediction is always quite the same. Just some method names differ a bit depending on the used model type.

    I think for you the tutorial Generate an ML.NET image classification model from a pre-trained TensorFlow model is the most interesting. It shows how to use an existing/pretrained Tensorflow model for prediction.
    The part with training in tutorial you can simply skip (it's just a so called transfer learning). It shows how you can do it, but it is not needed when you model already matches your requirements.
    Hint: Even when you don't need to perform training, you have to execute the ".Fit()" method. In that case load an empty Enumerable as data and use it as "training data".

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  2. Tim Roberts 81 Reputation points

    Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TensorFlowModel can load a TensorFlow model and make predictions.

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  3. mc 4,026 Reputation points

    @Tim Roberts thank you for your answer.

    how to make it while there is only python model?

    I have to write in in .net right?

  4. Lotus 365 0 Reputation points

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