Azure Language Studio is not working, failed to render screen

Hassan Kaleem 45 Reputation points

When i am creating a new project, on choose container, it is not loading that screen, instead it shows this. How do i resolve this? I have tried managed identity as well, Storage Blob Data Reader and Storage Blob Data Contributor.
image (1)

<!doctype html><html lang="en" data-build-hash="${webpack.hash}"><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,shrink-to-fit=no"/><meta name="keywords" content="QnA, qna, questionAnswering, question answering, answer questions, CLU, Language Understanding, Conversational language understanding, CNER, Cner, custom ner, custom named entity recognition, entity recognition, Custom classification, custom text classification, classification, Azure language, Language Service, Azure cognitive service for language, Cognitive services"/><meta name="description" content="Language Studio provides you with an easy-to-use experience to build and create custom ML models for text processing using your own data such as classification, entity extraction, conversational and question answering models. It also provides you with a platform to tryout several prebuilt NLP features and see what they return in a visual manner. Some of these features include keyphrase extraction, sentiment analysis, summarization and many more. Get started with Language Studio."/><title>Loading ...</title><link href="/assets/images/logos/favicon.png" rel="icon"/><script nonce='MTQ0MTI4OTYyNjczMTI3OTUxMDIyMzM0OTIyMzE5MjIzNTExMTI1MTU2'>window.cspNonce = 'MTQ0MTI4OTYyNjczMTIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyMzE5MjIzNTExMTI1MTU2'; window.__webpack_nonce__ = 'MTQ0MTI4OTYyNjczxxxxxxxxxMDIyMzM0OTIyMzE5MjIzNTExMTI1MTU2'; __webpack_nonce__ = 'MTQ0MTI4OTYyNjczMTI3OTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxOTIyMzE5MjIzNTExMTI1MTU2'; window.FabricConfig = { mergeStyles: { cspSettings: { nonce: window.cspNonce } } }; const isProduction = 'True'.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'true'; window.luisAppSettings = { isProduction, azureBaseUrl: '
has context menuParagraph
has context menu
has context menu

has context menu
Azure AI Language
Azure AI Language
An Azure service that provides natural language capabilities including sentiment analysis, entity extraction, and automated question answering.
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