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Multi-region API Management Deployment

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Multi-region API Management Deployment

Taranjeet Malik 546 Reputation points


We wish to deploy Azure API Management in internal VNet mode (within a VNet and Subnet) and this will be a Multi-region deployment. We're deploying it through Bicep code. The only relevant official MS guidance I could find is here--> https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/azure/api-management/api-management-howto-deploy-multi-region

Understand that there's

  1. How do we specify the resource group for the APIM in secondary region?
  2. What should be set as the fqdn and domainNameLabel settings for the Public IP resource created in the secondary region?
  3. The Bicep code in article contains section maned "additionalLocations", is that all we need to specify to get the multi-region APIM deployment or are there any other considerations like SSL certificate availability in secondary region?
  4. Does the secondary region also require custom Private DNS Zone? If yes, should the names (Gateway, Management etc.) be the same in secondary region as well?


Any relevant articles / blogs that detail the process of APIM multi-region deployment?


Taranjeet Singh

Azure API Management
Azure API Management
An Azure service that provides a hybrid, multi-cloud management platform for APIs.
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