ACI - How to deploy a confidential container with seccomp profile
Hi, I've been trying to deploy a confidential container using a seccomp profile:
Everything works great until I supply the base-64 encoded seccompProfile to the securityContext of the container. Whenever I do, I get the following error for all available API versions:
{"status":"Failed","error":{"code":"DeploymentFailed","target":"/subscriptions/XXX/resourceGroups/XXX/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/azuredeploy","message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.","details":[{"code":"SecurityContextNotSupported","message":"Some SecurityContext properties in container 'XXX' is not supported. Only the \"Privileged\" flag is supported."}]}}
So my question is: Is there a reason why supplying the seccompProfile causes this issue and how can I fix it? Nothing seems to indicate that only the 'Privileged' flag is supported in the documentation and I couldn't find anything related to this issue/requirements to use this flag.