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There is no best, only more appropriate. We should first know the difference between singleton mode and static mode.We can choose what works for us based on our needs.
Static Class:
You cannot create the instance of static class.
Loaded automatically by the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) when the program or namespace containing the class is loaded.
We cannot pass the static class to method.
We cannot inherit Static class to another Static class in C#.
A class having all static methods.
Better performance (static methods are bonded on compile time)
You can create one instance of the object and reuse it.
Singleton instance is created for the first time when the user requested.
Singleton class can have constructor.
You can create the object of singleton class and pass it to method.
Singleton class does not say any restriction of Inheritance.
We can dispose the objects of a singleton class but not of static class.
Methods can be overridden.
Can be lazy loaded when need (static classes are always loaded).
We can implement interface(static class can not implement interface).
And there are some good threads about this, you can check it here:
Difference between static class and singleton pattern?
Singleton Pattern Versus Static Class
Best Regards!
Jessie Zhang
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