Error in deployment of Azure IoT Operations to Cluster
I am following the instructions as described in to deploy a cluster
Using the command:
az iot ops init --cluster <CLUSTER_NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --kv-id <KEYVAULT_SETTINGS_PROPERTIES_RESOURCE_ID> results in the following error
(DeploymentFailed) At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.
Code: DeploymentFailed
Message: At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.
Target: /subscriptions/1078a0f5-9715-457d-82cb-00619709ea81/resourceGroups/IOTech_TestRG/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/aziotops.init.f746d8bee99d41fc97cbdcc3b8ba3c9b
Exception Details: (ResourceDeploymentFailure) The resource write operation failed to complete successfully, because it reached terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.
*Code: ResourceDeploymentFailure*
*Message: The resource write operation failed to complete successfully, because it reached terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.*
*Target: /subscriptions/1078a0f5-9715-457d-82cb-00619709ea81/resourceGroups/IOTech_TestRG/providers/Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/iotech-azurearc-cluster/providers/Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions/azure-iot-operations-os3aq*
*Exception Details: (ExtensionOperationFailed) The extension operation failed with the following error: Error occurred while creating custom resources needed by system extensions : InnerError [Custom resource azure-iot-operations-os3aq is in a failed state], For general troubleshooting visit:, For more application specific troubleshooting visit: Please reach out to Microsoft tech care if you need help with debugging the problems with your extension resource.*
*Code: ExtensionOperationFailed*
*Message: The extension operation failed with the following error: Error occurred while creating custom resources needed by system extensions : InnerError [Custom resource azure-iot-operations-os3aq is in a failed state], For general troubleshooting visit:, For more application specific troubleshooting visit: Please reach out to Microsoft tech care if you need help with debugging the problems with your extension resource.*
Please note, that the initial Pre-Flight, Key Vault CSI Driver and TLS checks pass, however, they only fail during deployment.
cmd> az it ops check indicate 'mqttbroker.iotoperations' API resources not detected
*🛑 Enumerate MQTTBroker API resources*
* API resources not detected.*
Could someone explain why this can happen?