I am receiving the following error message when trying to schedule a dashboard and dataset refresh on MS Fabric for PowerBI. Where exactly do I enter the credentials as they say and how would I go about this?
Andre Immelman
Reputation points
I am receiving the following error message. Please advise on how I should go about it:
Data source error: Scheduled refresh is disabled because at least one data source is missing credentials. To start the refresh again, go to this dataset's settings page and enter credentials for all data sources. Then reactivate scheduled refresh. Cluster URI: WABI-US-NORTH-CENTRAL-redirect.analysis.windows.net Activity ID: 2b413e16-46dd-4cad-9dea-369598040ece Request ID: aa82f4c7-1717-d973-d9c6-1dc422d06700 Time: 2024-09-02 07:58:56Z
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