Union between two lists doesn't work

Kalyan A 125 Reputation points

Union between two lists doesnt work getting error in

unionlist= groupsa.Union(groupsb);

@page "/SetTheory"
@using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;  
<PageTitle>Set Theory</PageTitle>
           SET A
    @foreach (var todo in todos)
            <input type="checkbox"  @bind="todo.IsDone" />
            <input  readonly @bind="todo.Title"  />
<input placeholder="Add a Number" @bind="newTodo" />
<button @onclick="AddTodo">Add Set A</button> <br>
<button @onclick="DeleteAll">Clear All Set A</button> <br>
<button @onclick="DeleteTodo">Delete Set A  </button>
           Ascending Order  
    @foreach (var todo in  listsort)
            <input readonly @bind="todo.Title" />
         <br />
    @foreach (var todob in todosb)
            <input type="checkbox"  @bind="todob.IsDone" />
            <input  readonly @bind="todob.Title"  />
<input placeholder="Add a Number Set B" @bind="newTodob" />
<button @onclick="AddTodoB">Add Set B</button> <br>
<button @onclick="DeleteAllB">Clear All Set B</button> <br>
<button @onclick="DeleteTodoB">Delete Set B  </button>
    @foreach (var todob in  listsortb)
            <input readonly @bind="todob.Title" />
          <br />
 <button @onclick="Submit">Perform Calculation</button>
         <br />
            @for (int i = 0; i < commonarr.Length; i++)
                    @if (display == "Y")
@code {
    public class TodoItem
        public int Title { get; set; }
        public bool IsDone { get; set; }
    public class TodoItemB
        public int Title { get; set; }
        public bool IsDone { get; set; }
    public class  Groups
        public int Title { get; set; }
    public class  GroupsA
        public int Title { get; set; }
    public class  GroupsB
        public int Title { get; set; }
    public class  UnionList
        public int Title { get; set; }
    public class  CommonList
        public int Title { get; set; }
    public class  Summary
        public int Title { get; set; }
        public int cnts { get; set; }
    private List<TodoItem> todos = new();
    private List<TodoItem> listsort = new();
    private List<TodoItemB> todosb = new();
    private List<TodoItemB> listsortb = new();
    private int newTodo;private int newTodob; int rancnta; int rancntb; int meansum; int maxnum;int minnum; int val1;int val2; int val0;
    private string errmsg;private string skipa;private string skipb; private int max;private int ran; private decimal calcmean; private decimal calcmedian; int median = 0; private int[] myNum = { 0  }   ; 
    private List<Groups> modegroups = new();private List<GroupsA>  groupsa = new();private List<GroupsB>  groupsb = new(); private List<UnionList>  unionlist = new();
    private List<Groups> tempgroups = new(); private string display = "N"; private int[] medarr; private int[] groupaarr; private int[] groupbarr; private int[] commonarr;
    private List<Summary> sumgroups = new();
    protected override void OnInitialized()
    private void DeleteAll()
        int rem = todos.Count();
        if (rem > 0)
        { errmsg = "No records to Delete";}
    private void DeleteTodo()
        display = "N";  
        ran = 0;maxnum = 0;minnum= 0;
        rancnta = 0; rancntb = 0;meansum = 0; calcmean = 0;calcmedian = 0; val0 =0;val1 = 0;val2 = 0;
        int rem = todos.Count((s => s.IsDone == true));
        if (rem > 0)
            var toRemove = todos.Where(todos => todos.IsDone == true).ToList();  
            foreach (var s in toRemove)
        { errmsg = "Select a number to Delete";}
        listsort = todos.OrderBy(p => p.Title).ToList();
        groupsa =  listsort.Select( g => new GroupsA { Title = g.Title  } ).ToList();
    private void AddTodo()
    {     display = "N";
        myNum[0] = 0;maxnum = 0;minnum= 0;  val0 =0; val1 = 0;val2 = 0;
        ran = 0;
        rancnta = 0; rancntb = 0;meansum = 0;calcmean = 0;calcmedian = 0;
        errmsg = "";
        skipa = "N";
        errmsg = "";
        if( (newTodo <  0) ||   (newTodo > 100)) 
        { skipa = "Y"; 
            errmsg = "Enter number between 0 and 100";}
        int cnt  = todos.Count();
        if (cnt>20)
        {   skipa = "Y"; 
            errmsg = "Cannot enter number more than 20 numbers";}
            todos.Add(new TodoItem { Title = newTodo });
        newTodo = 0;
        listsort = todos.OrderBy(p => p.Title).ToList();
        groupsa =  listsort.Select( g => new GroupsA { Title = g.Title  } ).ToList();
    private void DeleteAllB()
        int rem = todosb.Count();
        if (rem > 0)
        { errmsg = "No records to Delete";}
    private void DeleteTodoB()
        display = "N";  
        ran = 0;maxnum = 0;minnum= 0;
        rancnta = 0; rancntb = 0;meansum = 0; calcmean = 0;calcmedian = 0; val0 =0;val1 = 0;val2 = 0;
        int rem = todos.Count((s => s.IsDone == true));
        if (rem > 0)
            var toRemove = todos.Where(todos => todos.IsDone == true).ToList();  
            foreach (var s in toRemove)
        { errmsg = "Select a number to Delete";}
        listsortb = todosb.OrderBy(p => p.Title).ToList();
        groupsb =  listsortb.Select( g => new GroupsB { Title = g.Title  } ).ToList();
    private void AddTodoB()
    {     display = "N";
        myNum[0] = 0;maxnum = 0;minnum= 0;  val0 =0; val1 = 0;val2 = 0;
        ran = 0;
        rancnta = 0;rancntb = 0;meansum = 0;calcmean = 0;calcmedian = 0;
        errmsg = "";
        skipb = "N";
        errmsg = "";
        if( (newTodob <  0) ||   (newTodob > 100)) 
        { skipb= "Y"; 
            errmsg = "Enter number between 0 and 100";}
        int cntb  = todosb.Count();
        if (cntb>20)
        {   skipb = "Y"; 
            errmsg = "Cannot enter number more than 20 numbers";}
            todosb.Add(new TodoItemB { Title = newTodob });
        newTodob = 0;
        listsortb = todosb.OrderBy(p => p.Title).ToList(); 
        groupsb =  listsortb.Select( g => new GroupsB { Title = g.Title  } ).ToList();
    private void Submit()
    { display = "N";
        rancnta = todos.Count();
        rancntb = todosb.Count();
        if ((rancnta >0)||(rancntb >0))
           var   tempgroupsa  =groupsa.Select(n =>  n.Title ).ToList();
        groupaarr = tempgroupsa.ToArray();
        var   tempgroupsb  =groupsb.Select(n =>  n.Title ).ToList();
        groupbarr = tempgroupsb.ToArray();
        var n =  groupaarr.Length;
    var m =  groupbarr.Length;
unionlist= groupsa.Union(groupsb);
    display = "Y";
A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
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  1. Kalyan A 125 Reputation points

    Union and Intersect doesnt work accomplished using for loop

    @page "/SetTheory"
    @using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;  
    <PageTitle>Set Theory</PageTitle>
               SET A
        @foreach (var todo in todos)
                <input type="checkbox"  @bind="todo.IsDone" />
                <input  readonly @bind="todo.Title"  />
    <input placeholder="Add a Number" @bind="newTodo" />
    <button @onclick="AddTodo">Add Set A</button> <br>
    <button @onclick="DeleteAll">Clear All Set A</button> <br>
    <button @onclick="DeleteTodo">Delete Set A  </button>
               Ascending Order  
        @foreach (var todo in  listsort)
             <li style="display:inline"> 
                <input readonly @bind="todo.Title" />
             <br />
        @foreach (var todob in todosb)
            <li >
                <input type="checkbox"  @bind="todob.IsDone" />
                <input  readonly @bind="todob.Title"  />
               SET B
    <input placeholder="Add a Number Set B" @bind="newTodob" />
    <button @onclick="AddTodoB">Add Set B</button> <br>
    <button @onclick="DeleteAllB">Clear All Set B</button> <br>
    <button @onclick="DeleteTodoB">Delete Set B  </button>
        @foreach (var todob in  listsortb)
            <li style="display:inline">
                <input readonly @bind="todob.Title" />
              <br />
     <button @onclick="Submit">Perform Calculation</button>
             <br />
              <div> A - B </div>
         {<span>Empty Result</span>}
             @foreach (var aminusb in  aminusblist)
     <div> B - A </div>
         {<span>Empty Result</span>}
             @foreach (var bminusa in  bminusalist)
    <span> A Union B </span> 
         {<span>Empty Result</span>}
             @foreach (var unionlst in   unionlist)
    <span> A Intersection B </span> 
         {<span>Empty Result</span>}
             @foreach (var interlst in   interlist)
    @code {
        public class TodoItem
            public int Title { get; set; }
            public bool IsDone { get; set; }
        public class TodoItemB
            public int Title { get; set; }
            public bool IsDone { get; set; }
        public class  Groups
            public int Title { get; set; }
        public class  GroupsA
            public int Title { get; set; }
        public class  GroupsB
            public int Title { get; set; }
        public class  UnionList
            public int Title { get; set; }
        public class  CommonList
            public int Title { get; set; }
        public class  AminusBList
            public int Title { get; set; }
        public class  Summary
            public int Title { get; set; }
            public int cnts { get; set; }
        private List<TodoItem> todos = new();
        private List<TodoItem> listsort = new();
        private List<TodoItemB> todosb = new();
        private List<TodoItemB> listsortb = new();
        private int newTodo;private int newTodob; int rancnta; int rancntb; int meansum; int maxnum;int minnum; int val1;int val2; int val0;
        private string errmsg;private string skipa;private string skipb; private int max;private int ran; private decimal calcmean; private decimal calcmedian; int median = 0; private int[] myNum = { 0  }   ; 
        private List<Groups> modegroups = new();private List<GroupsA>  groupsa = new();private List<GroupsB>  groupsb = new(); private List<CommonList>  unionlist = new(); private List<CommonList>  aminusblist = new();private List<CommonList>  bminusalist = new();private List<CommonList>  interlist  = new();
        private List<Groups> tempgroups = new(); private string display = "N"; private int[] medarr; private int[] groupaarr; private int[] groupbarr; private int[] commonarr; private int[] aminusb ={ 0  }   ; 
        private List<Summary> sumgroups = new();private string displayaminusb;
        private List<CommonList>  remlist  = new();
        protected override void OnInitialized()
        private void DeleteAll()
            int rem = todos.Count();
            if (rem > 0)
                listsort.Clear();    aminusblist.Clear(); bminusalist.Clear();unionlist.Clear();interlist.Clear();
            { errmsg = "No records to Delete";}
        private void DeleteTodo()
            display = "N";  
            ran = 0;maxnum = 0;minnum= 0;    errmsg = "";
            rancnta = 0; rancntb = 0;meansum = 0; calcmean = 0;calcmedian = 0; val0 =0;val1 = 0;val2 = 0;
            int rem = todos.Count((s => s.IsDone == true));
            if (rem > 0)
            { aminusblist.Clear();bminusalist.Clear();unionlist.Clear();interlist.Clear();
                var toRemove = todos.Where(todos => todos.IsDone == true).ToList();  
                foreach (var s in toRemove)
            { errmsg = "Select a number to Delete";}
            listsort = todos.OrderBy(p => p.Title).ToList();
            groupsa =  listsort.Select( g => new GroupsA { Title = g.Title  } ).ToList();
        private void AddTodo()
        {     display = "N";
            myNum[0] = 0;maxnum = 0;minnum= 0;  val0 =0; val1 = 0;val2 = 0;
            ran = 0;
            rancnta = 0; rancntb = 0;meansum = 0;calcmean = 0;calcmedian = 0;
            errmsg = "";
            skipa = "N";
            errmsg = "";
            var resultx = todos.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title == newTodo);
            if(resultx == null)
            { skipa = "N";}
            else  { skipa = "Y";errmsg = "Cannot Allow duplicates";}
            if( (newTodo <  0) ||   (newTodo > 100)) 
            { skipa = "Y"; 
                errmsg = "Enter number between 0 and 100";}
            int cnt  = todos.Count();
            if (cnt>20)
            {   skipa = "Y"; 
                errmsg = "Cannot enter number more than 20 numbers";}
                todos.Add(new TodoItem { Title = newTodo });
            newTodo = 0;
            listsort = todos.OrderBy(p => p.Title).ToList();
            groupsa =  listsort.Select( g => new GroupsA { Title = g.Title  } ).ToList();
        private void DeleteAllB()
            int rem = todosb.Count();
            errmsg = "";
            if (rem > 0)
            { aminusblist.Clear();bminusalist.Clear();unionlist.Clear();interlist.Clear();
            { errmsg = "No records to Delete";}
        private void DeleteTodoB()
            display = "N";  
            ran = 0; 
            rancnta = 0; rancntb = 0; 
            int rem = todosb.Count((s => s.IsDone == true));
            if (rem > 0)
                var toRemoveb = todosb.Where(todos => todos.IsDone == true).ToList();  
                foreach (var s in toRemoveb)
            { errmsg = "Select a number to Delete";}
            listsortb = todosb.OrderBy(p => p.Title).ToList();
            groupsb =  listsortb.Select( g => new GroupsB { Title = g.Title  } ).ToList();
        private void AddTodoB()
        {     display = "N";
            myNum[0] = 0;maxnum = 0;minnum= 0;  val0 =0; val1 = 0;val2 = 0;
            ran = 0;
            rancnta = 0;rancntb = 0;meansum = 0;calcmean = 0;calcmedian = 0;
            errmsg = "";
            skipb = "N";
            errmsg = "";
            var resultx = todosb.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title == newTodob);
            if(resultx == null)
            { skipb = "N";}
            else  { skipb = "Y";errmsg = "Cannot Allow duplicates";}
            if( (newTodob <  0) ||   (newTodob > 100)) 
            { skipb= "Y"; 
                errmsg = "Enter number between 0 and 100";}
            int cntb  = todosb.Count();
            if (cntb>20)
            {   skipb = "Y"; 
                errmsg = "Cannot enter number more than 20 numbers";}
                todosb.Add(new TodoItemB { Title = newTodob });
            newTodob = 0;
            listsortb = todosb.OrderBy(p => p.Title).ToList(); 
            groupsb =  listsortb.Select( g => new GroupsB { Title = g.Title  } ).ToList();
        private void Submit()
        { displayaminusb = "N"; aminusblist.Clear();bminusalist.Clear();unionlist.Clear();interlist.Clear();
            errmsg = "";
            rancnta = todos.Count();
            rancntb = todosb.Count();
            var tempgroupsa = groupsa.Select(n => n.Title).ToList();
            groupaarr = tempgroupsa.ToArray();
            var tempgroupsb = groupsb.Select(n => n.Title).ToList();
            groupbarr = tempgroupsb.ToArray();
            var n = groupaarr.Length;
            var m = groupbarr.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < groupaarr.Length; i++)
                var resulty = groupsb.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title == groupaarr[i]);
                if (resulty == null)
                { displayaminusb = "Y";
                    aminusblist.Add(new CommonList { Title = groupaarr[i] });
            int aminuscount = aminusblist.Count();
            { errmsg = "Empty Result "; }
            {errmsg = "Empty Set A ";}
            for (int i = 0; i < groupbarr.Length; i++)
                var resultz = groupsa.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title == groupbarr[i]);
                if (resultz == null)
                { displayaminusb = "Y";
                    bminusalist.Add(new CommonList { Title = groupbarr[i] });
            int bminusacount = bminusalist.Count();
            // A Union B   
            for (int i = 0; i < groupaarr.Length; i++)
                unionlist.Add(new CommonList { Title = groupaarr[i] });
            for (int i = 0; i < groupbarr.Length; i++)
                var resultx = unionlist.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title == groupbarr[i]);
                if (resultx == null)
                    unionlist.Add(new CommonList { Title = groupbarr[i] });
            unionlist =  unionlist.OrderBy(p => p.Title).ToList(); 
            int unioncount = unionlist.Count();
            // A Intersection B   
            for (int i = 0; i < groupaarr.Length; i++)
                var resultn = groupsb.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title == groupaarr[i]);
                if (resultn != null)
                    interlist.Add(new CommonList { Title = groupaarr[i] });

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