When to use deployment jobs vs. normal jobs in Azure Pipelines for Bicep deployments?

Melvin Tran 20 Reputation points

As a data engineer working on infrastructure-as-code using Bicep, I'm trying to understand the best practices for structuring my Azure Pipeline. I have separate environments for DEV and PRD, and I'm not sure when to use a deployment job versus a normal job.

For DEV, I don't need detailed deployment history, but for PRD, I might (I can't understand the differences between the history of a pipeline run and an environment run, you can still view the history right?). For instance, I have read: https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/process/deployment-jobs?view=azure-devops and understandably for PRD I would want my peers to approve the deployment, then I would opt for the special deployment job right.

Can someone explain the key considerations for choosing between these job types, especially in the context of Bicep deployments? Are there specific advantages to using deployment jobs for different environment that I should be aware of?

And how about using a deployment job for DEV or even UAT, does that make sense?

Some sample code for visualization of what I would do currently, but is this the way to go:

  - main
  - name: devResourceGroup
    value: 'rg-dev-001'
  - name: prdResourceGroup
    value: 'rg-prd-001'
- stage: DeployDev
  - job: DeployToDev
      vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
    - task: AzureCLI@2
        azureSubscription: 'Dev-ServiceConnection'
        scriptType: 'bash'
        scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
        inlineScript: |
          az deployment group create --resource-group $(devResourceGroup) --template-file main.bicep
- stage: DeployPrd
  - deployment: DeployToPrd
      vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
    environment: 'Production'
          - task: AzureCLI@2
              azureSubscription: 'Prd-ServiceConnection'
              scriptType: 'bash'
              scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
              inlineScript: |
                az deployment group create --resource-group $(prdResourceGroup) --template-file main.bicep
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