I'm completing the Fundamentals of Bicep learning path. I'm in Build reusable Bicep templates by using parameters module. However, when trying to run the provided solution, my deployment is blocked with the following errors:
{"code": "InvalidTemplateDeployment", "message": "The template deployment 'main' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is '2f9a0efa-551c-44e7-a201-8c1eb17b6103'. See inner errors for details."}
Inner Errors:
{"code": "ValidationForResourceFailed", "message": "Validation failed for a resource. Check 'Error.Details[0]' for more information."}
Inner Errors:
{"code": "SubscriptionIsOverQuotaForSku", "message": "This region has quota of 0 instances for your subscription. Try selecting different region or SKU."}
I've copy-pasted the exact solution provided by the exercice. The solution's region is eastus, but I've tried it with westus3 and westus2, without any change. I'm sure I've set the correct subscription and resource group as my defaults. Could it just be because of a malfunction in my sandbox?
This question is related to the following Learning Module