Hi Kamyab Faghih,
You could use repeated
to define one-to-many field in proto files. Such as following:
syntax = "proto3";
option csharp_namespace = "WebApplication310.Protos";
service Service1 {
rpc GetOrder(OrderRequest) returns (Order);
message OrderRequest{
int32 orderId =1;
message Order {
int32 orderId = 1;
repeated Item items=2;
message Item {
int32 id = 1;
string name = 2;
Then you could make use the Order entity like following:
public class MyService : WebApplication310.Protos.Service1.Service1Base
public override Task<Order> GetOrder(OrderRequest request, ServerCallContext context)
var items = new List<Item>
new Item { Id = 1, Name = "Apple" },
new Item { Id = 2, Name = "Orange" }
return Task.FromResult(new Order
OrderId = request.OrderId,
Items = { items }
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