You may see an error message similar to the following one when you try to create a lab
The provided location 'australiacentral' is not available for resource type 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults'. List of available regions for the resource type is 'northcentralus,eastus,northeurope,westeurope,eastasia,southeastasia,eastus2,centralus,southcentralus,westus,japaneast,japanwest,australiaeast,australiasoutheast,brazilsouth,centralindia,southindia,westindia,canadacentral,canadaeast,uksouth,ukwest,westcentralus,westus2,koreacentral,koreasouth,francecentral,southafricanorth
You can resolve this error by taking one of the following steps:
- Option 1 Check availability of the resource type in Azure regions on the Products available by region page. If the resource type isn't available in a certain region, DevTest Labs doesn't support creation of a lab in that region. Select another region when creating your lab. Option 2
- Option 2 If the resource type is available in your region, check if it's registered with your subscription. It can be done at the subscription owner level as shown in this article.