ADFS External access - new and trying to find some guides/guidance

Jesse Hall 1 Reputation point

For the most part I have ADFS working when accessed internally. However the main purpose for us implementing ADFS was for external access.

We want to have ADFS be the primary authentication method for employees who have no VPN, or access to the domain to still be able to login to SharePoint. Preferably via PIN prompt. I am looking for some documentation to figure out what route to go for troubleshooting our current configuration.

Browser : Chrome
External access - when I hit url/adfs/ls/idpinitatedsignon directly (not from sharepoint) I select sign in goes right to username and password prompt instead of PIN
username and password is accepted when I enter it.

Now with IE due to group policy etc i can force a PIN prompt but it is not accepted even though I know it is correct does not matter if I use an AUTH cert, email cert it will not work

Active Directory Federation Services
Active Directory Federation Services
An Active Directory technology that provides single-sign-on functionality by securely sharing digital identity and entitlement rights across security and enterprise boundaries.
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