Script to Compress files in each folder of inetpub\log\logfiles\

Ronny Fontex 21 Reputation points

Hey, need some help to change some code :)!

we use a script that zips iis log files, however, it does not zip Today's date file.
each zip file contains one month at a time eg "" ""

it works super fine, only problem is i would like it to go into each seperate "W3SVC1"
"W3SVC2" "W3SVC3" and do this, at the moment I have to have 1 script running per directory .. I have tried a lot by messing with foreach, but can not really get it to it :) have attached the script

param (
    #Test Mode will not remove any files, does a what-if
    [switch] $TestMode = $false,
    #Log folder location
    $Folder ="C:\inetpub\logs\logfiles\W3SVC1",
    # Archive Storage Location - Use this variable to specify a single location 
    # to save all archives. 
    $ArchiveStorage = @Folder,

    # Short name to begin the filename of the .zip archive 
    $ArchiveFileName = "u_ex",

    # Extension of files to archive. 
    $fileext = ".log",
    # Archive Date Grouping - Specify how to group the archives 
    # month -> Archive all past daily files to monthly archive files
    # day ->   Archive all past log files to daily archive logs
    $ArchiveGrouping = "month",

    # Naming pattern of files to archive. 
    $FileNamePattern = "",

    # If you would like to automatically remove the archives that this script creates,  
    # set the following to true and then define how old the archives should be (in days)
    # Note: This option only deletes .zip files 
    [switch] $RemoveOldArchives,
    [int] $RemoveArchivesDaysOld = 180,
    #Whether to ignore files modified in current period (hour/day or month)
    $startTime = Get-Date
    # Extension of archive files. 
    $ArchiveExtension = ".zip" 
    # Get today's date 
    $CurrentDate = Get-Date 
    echo $startTime
    echo "Starting Archiving script"
    echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo "The script was started $($startTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss'))"
    echo "Archiving files from $Folder, all files matching $FileNamePattern with extension $FileExtension"
    echo "Storing archives to $ArchiveStorage, any archives older than $RemoveArchivesDaysOld days will be removed"
    echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo "Scanning for files..."
    #Tests if a file is in use, and locked
    function Test-FileLocked {
        param ([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Path)
        if($Path -eq $null){
            return false;
        try {
            if ((Test-Path -Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $false){
                return $false
        catch {
        #can't even test path means the file is locked or we don't have access to that file
        return $true
            try {
                $oFile = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo $Path
                $oStream = $oFile.Open([System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite, [System.IO.FileShare]::None)
                if ($oStream){
             catch {
                # file is locked by a process.
                return $true
    #Creates a zip file from a set of files passed.
    #If the file is already present it will be updated
    #If any files inside zip are already present they will be replaced
    #add .Net 4.5 compression assembly
    Add-Type -As System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
    function CreateArchiveFile {
        Param (
            [string[]] $FilesList,
            [string] $ZipFilePath
        Begin {
            $Compression = 'Optimal'
            $ProcessedFiles = @()
            if (-not (Split-Path $ZipFilePath)) { $ZipFilePath = Join-Path $Pwd $ZipFilePath }
            if (Test-Path $ZipFilePath) {
                if ((Test-FileLocked  $ZipFilePath) -eq $true){
                    Write-Error "$ZipFilePath is Locked by another process!! Can't continue!"
                    return -1;
                Write-Verbose 'Appending to the destination file'
                $Archive = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open($ZipFilePath,'Update')           
            } else {
                Write-Verbose 'Creating the destination file'
                $Archive = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open($ZipFilePath,'Create')
        Process {
            foreach ($File in $FilesList) {
                try {
                    $EntryName = Split-Path $File -Leaf
                    $Entry = $Archive.Entries | ? FullName -eq $EntryName
                    if ($Entry) {
                        Write-Verbose "Removing $EntryName from the archive"
                    $locked = Test-FileLocked  $File
                        $Verbose = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::CreateEntryFromFile($Archive,$File,$EntryName,$Compression)
                        $ProcessedFiles += $Verbose.Name
                catch {
                    Write-Error $_
                    return -1
        End {
            return $ProcessedFiles

    # Set the dates needed for archiving by month or day,  
    # depending on what was set above for $ArchiveGrouping 
    Switch($ArchiveGrouping) { 
        "month" { 
            $ArchiveGroupingString = "{0:yy}{0:MM}"
                $ArchiveDate = $CurrentDate.AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyMM")
                $ArchiveDate = $CurrentDate.ToString("yyMM") 
        "day" { 
            $ArchiveGroupingString = "{0:yy}{0:MM}{0:dd}" 
                $ArchiveDate = $CurrentDate.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyMMdd") 
                $ArchiveDate = $CurrentDate.ToString("yyMMdd") 
        "hour" { 
            $ArchiveGroupingString = "{0:yy}{0:MM}{0:dd}{0:hh}" 
                $ArchiveDate = $CurrentDate.AddHours(-1).ToString("yyMMddHH") 
                $ArchiveDate = $CurrentDate.ToString("yyMMddHH") 
        Default { 
            echo "Invalid Archive Grouping selected. You selected '$ArchiveGrouping'. Valid options are month and day."                 
    # Set the date for old archive file removal if that was specified above 
    if ($RemoveOldArchives) {
        [DateTime]$OldArchiveRemovalDate = $CurrentDate.AddDays(-$RemoveArchivesDaysOld) 
    # Test the path to the archive storage location if it has been set 
    if ($ArchiveStorage  -and ($ArchiveStorage  -ne "") -and !(Test-Path $ArchiveStorage -pathType container )) {  
        New-Item $ArchiveStorage -Force -itemtype directory | Out-Null 
    # Test the path to the log storage location if it has been set 
    if ($Folder ) {  
        if (!(Test-Path $Folder ) -and ($Folder  -ne "")) {  
            echo "Error: The specified archive storage location does not exist at $Folder .  
            Please check the folder and try again." 

    $TargetFiles = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[String]
    dir $Folder | where {  
        !$_.PSIsContainer `
        -and $_.extension -eq $fileext`
        -and $ArchiveGroupingString -f $_.LastWriteTime -le $ArchiveDate `
        -and $_.fullname -match $FileNamePattern `
        -and $_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays("-1")
    } | group {  
        $ArchiveGroupingString -f $_.LastWriteTime  
    } | foreach { 
        $FilesFound = $true 
        $null = $TargetFiles.Clear()
        # Generate the list of files to compress 
        $ | foreach {$TargetFiles.Add($_.fullname)}
        # Create the full path of the archive file to be created 
        $ZipFileName = $ArchiveStorage +"\"+$ArchiveFileName+$"00"+$ArchiveExtension
        echo "Found $($TargetFiles.Count) files in group $($  --> $ZipFileName"
        $ArchivedFiles = CreateArchiveFile $TargetFiles.ToArray() $ZipFileName
        if($ArchivedFiles.Count -gt 0) {
            if($ArchivedFiles.Count -ne $TargetFiles.Count){
                # Creating the archive failed 
                echo "$($TargetFiles.Count) of $($ArchivedFiles.Count) files added to archive $ZipFileName" 
            foreach ($File in $ArchivedFiles){
                $File=Join-Path $Folder $File
                #supress printing True to screen
                $null = $TargetFiles.Remove($File)
                #echo "Archived : $File  --> $ZipFileName"
                if($TestMode) { 
                    # Show what files would be deleted 
                    Remove-Item -Path $File -WhatIf 
                } else { 
                    # Delete the original files 
                    Remove-Item -Path $File
            foreach($file in $TargetFiles) {
                echo "Failed: $file"
        } else {
            # Creating the archive failed 
            echo "There was an error creating the archive $ZipFileName"
            foreach($file in $TargetFiles) {
                echo "Failed: $file"
            exit -1
    # If the option to remove old archives is set to $true in the settings section, do so 
    if ($RemoveOldArchives) { 
        # Grab all files that aren't folders, last write time older than specified above, with a .zip extension         
        dir $ArchiveStorage | where {!$_.PSIsContainer} | where {$_.LastWriteTime -lt $OldArchiveRemovalDate -and $_.extension -eq ".zip" } | foreach {  
        if($TestMode) { 
            Remove-Item "$ArchiveStorage\$_" -WhatIf 
        else { 
            Remove-Item "$ArchiveStorage\$_" 
        $FileLastWriteTime = $_.LastWriteTime 
        echo "Old archive file removed`nPath/Name: $ArchiveStorage\$_ `nDate: $FileLastWriteTime `n`n" 

    $endTime = Get-Date
    echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo "The script completed $($endTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss'))"
    echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Internet Information Services
Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.PowerShell: A family of Microsoft task automation and configuration management frameworks consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.
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Accepted answer
  1. MotoX80 33,481 Reputation points

    If the script is working fine for you, then just write another script that calls it for each log folder.

    Get-ChildItem -path C:\inetpub\logs\logfiles  -Directory | foreach {
        c:\Scripts\ArchiveLogs.ps1 -folder $_.fullname -TestMode    

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