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In the Deployment Lab Guides_1909.zip, there is a document called Lab Kit_1909_set up guide.docx, open it and read the part of 5.Troubleshooting Tips
We can see that:
- The easiest way to address lab installation issues is to simply reinstall. To reinstall the lab, you must remove the virtual machines and virtual switches from the Hyper-V Console and delete the extracted folder. See Section 4.
- Do not reinstall a lab from a previously extracted lab folder as this may cause the provisioning process to fail.
- If one of the VMs does not immediately connect to the network, log into each VM and wait 5-10 minutes before remediating. If a VM is still not connecting, restart. If connectivity is still an issue, try adding the External 2 virtual switch to the VM. In Hyper-V, select the VM and right-click to go to Settings. Select Add Hardware > Network Adapter and select “External 2”.