Title: Audit Events generated from REST API have changed

Donovin DeCoste (ddecoste) 1 Reputation point

Hi there, My team uses REST API to perform operations in the o365 system. When we perform a "file copied" operation using the REST API, the event coming back has changed signifigantly. We are noticed fields missing or empty. the details now say "Copied from undefined to undefined" Our records indicate this started happening after May 9th

I've added a screenshot of the report output, The highlighted events are actually the exact same event occuring over and over (we perform automated testing, so you will notice similar file names). Same REST api operation generated both events in the screenshots below, only the dates triggered differ. NOTE : this issue does not happen when using the O365 web portal to generate the same event. only the REST API

Screenshot examples of old event vs new event change from March 9th to today. Please see below for discrepancies between events





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