PostgreSQL Bulk Copy with PowerShell

Francisco Nabas 31 Reputation points

Hello folks! I sure hope you're having a kick ass weekend!
This is my first of hopefully many posts here and i have to admit it was a bit of a click bait.
There is no Bulk Copy on PostgreSQL that i know and like any good guy who's just starting to learn something i struggled to find anything on the web.
The only effective solution was a PS Module, but it has a paid license.
So i started playing with the PostgreSQL ODBC driver and came up with a function that accepts a PSCustomObject and copies it to the database using the COPY statement.
There are two drawbacks and I'll be more than glad to hear your opinion on it:

  • The function exports the PSCustomObject as a CSV file and then uses the COPY statement to up this info.
  • The PSCustomObject needs to be alphabetically ordered, cause i use Get-Member cmdlet to get the NoteProperties from the object.

The code can be found bellow and on the PS Gallery:
This script is not mine, is ours, so be my guest to modify it as it may fit your needs.
Cheers and Party on!

Function Write-PsqlDataTable


        [Parameter  (Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]    $ServerInstance,

        [Parameter  (Mandatory = $false)]
        [int]       $Port=5432,

        [Parameter  (Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]    $Database,

        [Parameter  (Position = 2, Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]    $TableName,

        # The PSCustomObject NoteProperties must be ordered! Otherwise PgSQL COPY will fail!
        [Parameter  (Position = 3, Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'The PSCustomObject NoteProperties must be ordered! Otherwise PgSQL COPY will fail!')]
        [PSCustomObject] $Data,

        [Parameter  (Position = 4, Mandatory = $false)] 
        [string]    $Username,

        [Parameter  (Position = 5, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Security.SecureString] $Password,

        [Parameter  (Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]    $Docker


    $DBConn = New-Object System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
    $BTSR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password)
    $PTP = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BTSR)
    if ($Username) {
        $DBConnectionString = "Driver={PostgreSQL UNICODE(x64)};Server=$ServerInstance;Port=$Port;Database=$Database;Uid=$Username;Pwd=$PTP;"
    else {
        $DBConnectionString = "Driver={PostgreSQL UNICODE(x64)};Server=$ServerInstance;Port=$Port;Database=$Database;"

    $DBConn.ConnectionString = $DBConnectionString

        $Columns = ($Data | Get-Member | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty'}).Name
        $Columns = [System.String]::Join(',',$Columns)
        $Data | Export-Csv $Env:TEMP\TempPsAd.csv -Delimiter ',' -NoTypeInformation
        if ($Docker) {
            docker cp $Env:TEMP\TempPsAd.csv ${Docker}:/media/TempPsAd.csv
            $DBCmd = $DBConn.CreateCommand()
            $DBCmd.CommandText = @"
                COPY $TableName ($Columns)
                FROM '/media/TempPsAd.csv'
                DELIMITER ','
                CSV HEADER
            docker exec $Docker rm -rf /media/TempPsAd.csv
            Remove-Item $Env:TEMP\TempPsAd.csv -Force
        else {
            $DBCmd = $DBConn.CreateCommand()
            $DBCmd.CommandText = @"
                COPY $TableName ($Columns)
                FROM '$Env:TEMP\TempPsAd.csv'
                DELIMITER ','
                CSV HEADER
            Remove-Item $Env:TEMP\TempPsAd.csv -Force

        Write-Error "$($_.Exception.Message)"
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
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