Help with Excel Formula incrementing.

Wesley Goodwin 21 Reputation points

I am trying to make an Excel form to track progress of a construction project. I want to be able to use the file for future projects, but not have to input the formulas by hand every time. When I drag the formula it increments like normal, but when I grab 3 columns of formulas and drag. It only increments by 3. I need the formula to increment by 11 per column, because the data sheet repeats every 11 columns for each system install being tracked. Is there a formula I can write to get it to increment by 11? I would prefer non-VBA, because there are many people who have very little experience with Excel accessing the file.

Here is the formula I want to increment.

=IFERROR(IF(('Trim Summary'!H$36)*100<101,REPT(CHAR(10),(('Trim Summary'!H$36)*100)/4)&CHAR(10)&'Trim Summary'!H$36*100&"%"&"   "&TEXT('Trim Summary'!G$36,"MMM-DD"),"?"),"NA")

So "H" becomes "S" becomes "AD" the rows stay the same. "G" becomes "R" becomes "AC".

Excel Management
Excel Management
Excel: A family of Microsoft spreadsheet software with tools for analyzing, charting, and communicating data.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
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Accepted answer
  1. Emily Hua-MSFT 27,581 Reputation points

    Sorry, I wrote extra equals, I will edit my previous reply. In addition, I created a sample as following, and this formula works fine. I’m not sure, whether the result of the following gif is your requirement. Any misunderstanding, please let me know.

    Please try to modify H$36 in formula to be INDIRECT(ADDRESS(36,COLUMN(H$36)*11-80,2))

    Change G$36 be =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(36,COLUMN(G$36)*11-70,2))

    Here is the gif of my sample and formula.


    The formula in my sample is:

    =IFERROR(IF(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(36,COLUMN(Sheet1!H$36)*11-80,2))*100<101,REPT(CHAR(10),(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(36,COLUMN(Sheet1!H$36)*11-80,2))*100)/4)&CHAR(10)&INDIRECT(ADDRESS(36,COLUMN(Sheet1!H$36)*11-80,2))*100&"%"&" "&TEXT(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(36,COLUMN(Sheet1!G$36)*11-70,2)),"MMM-DD"),"?"),"NA")

1 additional answer

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  1. Nobuko Ichimaru 316 Reputation points

    increment by 11:Only the formula,
    11* for every 11 columns (x(+1)).
    If there is a real thing, it may be possible to process it better.
    =IFERROR(IF(('Trim Summary'!H$36)*100<101,REPT(CHAR(10),(('Trim Summary'!H$36)*100)/4)&CHAR(10)&'Trim Summary'!H$36*100&"%"&" "&TEXT('Trim Summary'!G$36,"MMM-DD"),"?"),"NA")
    =IFERROR(IF(('Trim Summary'!(OFFSET($H36,0,11))*100<101,REPT(CHAR(10),(('Trim Summary'!(OFFSET($H36,0,11))*100)/4)&CHAR(10)&'Trim Summary'!(OFFSET($H36,0,11)*100&"%"&" "&TEXT('Trim Summary'!(OFFSET($G36,0,11),"MMM-DD"),"?"),"NA")
    =IFERROR(IF(('Trim Summary'!(OFFSET($H36,0,11*2))*100<101,REPT(CHAR(10),(('Trim Summary'!(OFFSET($H36,0,11*2))*100)/4)&CHAR(10)&'Trim Summary'!(OFFSET($H36,0,11*2)*100&"%"&" "&TEXT('Trim Summary'!(OFFSET($G36,0,11*2),"MMM-DD"),"?"),"NA")
    =IFERROR(IF(('Trim Summary'!(OFFSET($H36,0,11*3))*100<101,REPT(CHAR(10),(('Trim Summary'!(OFFSET($H36,0,11*3))*100)/4)&CHAR(10)&'Trim Summary'!(OFFSET($H36,0,11*3)*100&"%"&" "&TEXT('Trim Summary'!(OFFSET($G36,0,11*3),"MMM-DD"),"?"),"NA")