Converting Roaming Profiles to FSLogix Profile Container Profiles

Paul ECW 6 Reputation points

We are currently attempting to migrate Roaming Profiles to FSLogix Profile Container Profiles utilizing the following the instructions provided here:


Convert-RoamingProfile -ParentPath <String> -Target <String> -VHDMaxSizeGB <UInt64> -VHDLogicalSectorSize <String> [-VHD][-IncludeRobocopyDetail] [-LogPath <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]`

Our user roaming profiles are stored on the Domain Controller @ \dc\rdsprofiles$\ - however, profile folders are: <username>.domain.v6. This inherently causes issues using that command as it results in the following error:
"Profile \dc\rdsprofiles$\fstest3.domain.v6 Could not resolve to AD User. Cannot copy."

What I've done to get around this is grant ownership and full permissions on the user's v6 folder, copy it to a temp location, rename it (remove "domain.v6") then copy it back.

Convert-RoamingProfile -ParentPath \dc\rdsprofiles$\user -Target \fileserver\profile_containers$\ -VHDMaxSizeGB 100 -VHDLogicalSectorSize 512 -IncludeRobocopyDetail -Verbose -LogPath C:\Temp\LogixConversion.log

This works for the most part, except for by the end of the script where it mounts the converted .vhdx to then apply NTFS permissions and subsequently fails...


If that user were then to login, nothing works for them (browsers, start menu, any apps, etc). I can go and mount the .vhdx and apply the permissions myself but there's no way we can do this manually for 300+ users (and I haven't given scripting that a thought yet).


I can provide any further details if needed.

A set of solutions that enhance, enable, and simplify non-persistent Windows computing environments and may also be used to create more portable computing sessions when using physical devices.
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  1. Tom Labuske 1 Reputation point

    Have the same issue.
    Try to working on it today.

    It is somewhere here:

    icacls $Destination /setowner SYSTEM
    icacls $Destination /inheritance:r
    icacls $Destination /grant $env:userdomain\$(($P).Username):(OI)(CI)F icacls $Destination /grant SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)F
    icacls $Destination /grant Administrators:(OI)(CI)F icacls $Destination /grant $env:userdomain\$(($P).Username):(OI)(CI)F

    icacls (($P).Target | Split-Path) /setowner $env:userdomain\$(($P).Username) /T /C
    icacls (($P).Target | Split-Path) /grant $env:userdomain\$(($P).Username):(OI)(CI`)F /T

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  2. Wahib SAIDI 1 Reputation point


    The same issue here too.
    I tried to change permissions (icacls) but Access Denied like Paul. I have to make manually ...
    If anyone have ideas !
    Thanks :)

  3. Piet Baarssen 6 Reputation points

    Same problem here.
    Access denied with icacls

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