Persistent Azure Kinect Crash

Robby Graham 1 Reputation point

I've just migrated to windows specifically for this tech so excuse my ignorance, am not a coder but have been at this 2 days and have reached a real impasse.

Running Azure Kinect on Windows 10 on Razer Blade Stealth 13 (Specs below) and getting a repeated problem that causes the Kinect to fail ( with standard windows message following - the last USB device you connected to windows has malfunctioned AND WINDOWS DOES NOT RECOGNISE IT). This happens in Kinect Viewer and also when I try to open in DepthKit. Both have different faults (Logs below) but always involve LIBUSB_ERROR or references the DepthSensor (moreso in depthkit)


[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 42ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 41ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 37ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 40ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 42ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 39ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 42ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 42ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 36ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 37ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 40ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 35ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 35ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 34ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 36ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 41ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 39ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 34ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 35ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 35ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 35ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 37ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 42ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 37ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 41ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 34ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 34ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 41ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 35ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 39ms (this may be transient).
[ warning ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). USB timeout on streaming endpoint for depth
[ warning ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). USB timeout on streaming endpoint for depth
[ warning ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). USB timeout on streaming endpoint for depth
[ warning ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). USB timeout on streaming endpoint for depth
[ warning ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). USB timeout on streaming endpoint for depth
[ warning ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). USB timeout on streaming endpoint for depth
[ warning ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). USB timeout on streaming endpoint for imu
[ warning ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). USB timeout on streaming endpoint for imu
[ warning ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). USB timeout on streaming endpoint for imu
[ warning ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). USB timeout on streaming endpoint for imu
[ warning ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). USB timeout on streaming endpoint for imu
[ warning ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). USB timeout on streaming endpoint for imu
[ warning ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). USB timeout on streaming endpoint for depth
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000002 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000002 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_io(). Error calling libusb_bulk_transfer for initial tx, result:LIBUSB_ERROR_IO
[ error ] : usb_cmd_io(usbcmd_handle, cmd, p_cmd_data, cmd_data_size, NULL, 0, p_data, data_size, NULL, cmd_status) returned failure in usb_cmd_write_with_status()
[ error ] : usb_cmd_write_with_status(depthmcu->usb_cmd, DEV_CMD_DEPTH_STREAM_STOP, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &cmd_status) returned failure in depthmcu_depth_stop_streaming()
[ error ] : usb_cmd_io(). Error calling libusb_bulk_transfer for initial tx, result:LIBUSB_ERROR_IO
[ error ] : usb_cmd_io(usbcmd_handle, cmd, p_cmd_data, cmd_data_size, NULL, 0, p_data, data_size, NULL, cmd_status) returned failure in usb_cmd_write_with_status()
[ error ] : usb_cmd_write_with_status(depthmcu->usb_cmd, DEV_CMD_DEPTH_STOP, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &cmd_status) returned failure in depthmcu_depth_stop_streaming()
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000002 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_io(). Error calling libusb_bulk_transfer for initial tx, result:LIBUSB_ERROR_IO
[ error ] : usb_cmd_io(usbcmd_handle, cmd, p_cmd_data, cmd_data_size, NULL, 0, p_data, data_size, NULL, &cmd_status) returned failure in usb_cmd_write()
[ error ] : usb_cmd_write(colormcu->usb_cmd, DEV_CMD_IMU_STREAM_STOP, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) returned failure in colormcu_imu_stop_streaming()
2020-07-30 (1)
2020-07-30 (2)
2020-07-30 (4)


[2020-07-30 15:09:40.794] [error] [t=8188] ..\src\usbcommand\usbcommand.c (305): find_libusb_device(). Unable to open LIBUSB at index 0
[2020-07-30 15:09:40.797] [error] [t=8188] ..\src\depth_mcu\depth_mcu.c (68): usb_cmd_create(USB_DEVICE_DEPTH_PROCESSOR, device_index, NULL, &depthmcu->usb_cmd) returned failure in depthmcu_create()
[2020-07-30 15:09:40.797] [error] [t=8188] ..\src\sdk\k4a.c (133): depthmcu_create(index, &device->depthmcu) returned failure in k4a_device_open()
2020-07-30 15:09:40.799 WARN [8188] [Depthkit::IO::DepthSensor::DepthSensorAzureKinect::getConnectedDevices@257] : Failed to open device

From googling the issue I can see that LIBUSB refers to bandwidth of the USB connection, which was never an issue before. It was working earlier today and nothing has changed in terms of hardware etc. I tried updatng drivers of USB to no avail. It does come up under Generic USB Superspeed Hub which I gather is just a standard USB function in windows.

Current Firmware Versions:
RGB camera firmware: 1.6.110
Depth camera firmware: 1.6.79
Depth config file: 6109.7
Audio firmware: 1.6.14
Build Config: Production
Certificate Type: Microsoft

The Firmware was updated last week, and there has been a release since, but now every time I try to update it gives me one of two errors -


[2020-07-30 17:47:13.697] [critical] [t=4780] D:\a\1\s\extern\Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK\src\usbcommand\usbcommand.c (366): find_libusb_device(). libusb device(s) are all unavalable. Is the device being used by another application?
[2020-07-30 17:47:13.698] [error] [t=4780] D:\a\1\s\extern\Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK\src\depth_mcu\depth_mcu.c (68): usb_cmd_create(USB_DEVICE_DEPTH_PROCESSOR, device_index, NULL, &depthmcu->usb_cmd) returned failure in depthmcu_create()
[2020-07-30 17:47:13.698] [error] [t=4780] D:\a\1\s\extern\Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK\src\firmware\firmware.c (128): depthmcu_create(device_index, &firmware->depthmcu) returned failure in firmware_create()


Please wait, updating device firmware. Don't unplug the device. This operation can take a few minutes...
[2020-07-30 17:56:54.666] [error] [t=6892] D:\a\1\s\extern\Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK\src\usbcommand\usbcommand.c (689): usb_cmd_io(). Error calling libusb_bulk_transfer for tx, result:LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE
[2020-07-30 17:56:54.668] [error] [t=6892] D:\a\1\s\extern\Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK\src\usbcommand\usbcommand.c (900): usb_cmd_io(usbcmd_handle, cmd, p_cmd_data, cmd_data_size, NULL, 0, p_data, data_size, NULL, &cmd_status) returned failure in usb_cmd_write()
[2020-07-30 17:56:54.668] [error] [t=6892] D:\a\1\s\extern\Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK\src\depth_mcu\depth_mcu.c (435): usb_cmd_write( depthmcu->usb_cmd, DEV_CMD_DOWNLOAD_FIRMWARE, (uint8_t *)&info, sizeof(info), firmwarePayload, firmwareSize) returned failure in depthmcu_download_firmware()
[2020-07-30 17:56:54.668] [error] [t=6892] D:\a\1\s\extern\Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK\src\firmware\firmware.c (255): depthmcu_download_firmware(firmware->depthmcu, pFirmwareBuffer, firmwareSize) returned failure in firmware_download()
ERROR: Downloading the firmware failed! 1

I did get past this before last week but cant remember. It should be able to handle the Azure Kinect, and has until now. I havent tried factory reset on azure as i know you are limited to one. Any help please, I have invested so much time and money in this kit only to be stumped now. Thanks in advance!

Computer specs below -


Im now getting these errors

[ warning ] : is_fw_version_compatable(). Firmware version for RGB is 1.6.102. Consider upgrading to 1.6.110 or newer.
[ warning ] : is_fw_version_compatable(). Firmware version for Depth is 1.6.75. Consider upgrading to 1.6.79 or newer.
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 39ms (this may be transient).
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000004 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). Error LIBUSB transfer failed, result:LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR
[ warning ] : imu_capture_ready(). A streaming IMU transfer failed
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). Error LIBUSB transfer failed, result:LIBUSB_TRANSFER_STALL
[ error ] : imu_get_sample(device->imu, imu_sample, timeout_in_ms) returned failure in k4a_device_get_imu_sample()
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). Error LIBUSB transfer failed, result:LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). Error LIBUSB transfer failed, result:LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). Error LIBUSB transfer failed, result:LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). Error LIBUSB transfer failed, result:LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). Error LIBUSB transfer failed, result:LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). Error LIBUSB transfer failed, result:LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). Error LIBUSB transfer failed, result:LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR
[ warning ] : depth_engine_thread(). Depth image processing is too slow at 41ms (this may be transient).
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : usb_cmd_libusb_cb(). LibUSB transfer status of 00000001 unexpected
[ error ] : OnReadSample(). Pipeline propagate error to callback: 0xc00d3ea2
[ warning ] : capturesync_add_capture(). Capture Error Detected, Color
[ error ] : capturesync_get_capture(device->capturesync, capture_handle, timeout_in_ms) returned failure in k4a_device_get_capture()
[ error ] : usb_cmd_io(). Error calling libusb_bulk_transfer for initial tx, result:LIBUSB_ERROR_IO
[ error ] : usb_cmd_io(usbcmd_handle, cmd, p_cmd_data, cmd_data_size, NULL, 0, p_data, data_size, NULL, &cmd_status) returned failure in usb_cmd_write()
[ error ] : usb_cmd_write(colormcu->usb_cmd, DEV_CMD_IMU_STREAM_STOP, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) returned failure in colormcu_imu_stop_streaming()
[ warning ] : color_capture_available(). A streaming color transfer failed
[ warning ] : color_capture_available(). A streaming color transfer failed
[ error ] : Stop(). Failed to request flush for stop: 0xc00d3ea2
[ error ] : usb_cmd_io(). Error calling libusb_bulk_transfer for initial tx, result:LIBUSB_ERROR_IO
[ error ] : usb_cmd_io(usbcmd_handle, cmd, p_cmd_data, cmd_data_size, NULL, 0, p_data, data_size, NULL, cmd_status) returned failure in usb_cmd_write_with_status()
[ error ] : usb_cmd_write_with_status(depthmcu->usb_cmd, DEV_CMD_DEPTH_STREAM_STOP, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &cmd_status) returned failure in depthmcu_depth_stop_streaming()
[ error ] : usb_cmd_io(). Error calling libusb_bulk_transfer for initial tx, result:LIBUSB_ERROR_IO
[ error ] : usb_cmd_io(usbcmd_handle, cmd, p_cmd_data, cmd_data_size, NULL, 0, p_data, data_size, NULL, cmd_status) returned failure in usb_cmd_write_with_status()
[ error ] : usb_cmd_write_with_status(depthmcu->usb_cmd, DEV_CMD_DEPTH_STOP, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &cmd_status) returned failure in depthmcu_depth_stop_streaming()

I do need to update firmware but real chicken and egg, did factory reset and tentatively worked so afraid to do anything - really at wits end. Is there anything i can do about processing or about usb controller ?

Azure Kinect DK
Azure Kinect DK
A Microsoft developer kit and peripheral device with advanced artificial intelligence sensors for sophisticated computer vision and speech models.
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  1. António Sérgio Azevedo 7,666 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hello @Robby Graham , sorry to hear that you are struggling getting things ready with Azure Kinect DK. Let me ask some quick questions and suggest possible solutions to your case:

    I havent tried factory reset on azure as i know you are limited to one

    Can you share where you read it? Was it from the official documentation here? .

    1) Actually the suggestion is exactly that you perform a factory reset if firmware update is interrupted and\or got into bad state and fail to enumerate.
    2) Please check the Azure Kinect Troubleshooting doc and confirm if you followed all the steps there?

    Thank you! Hope we can get you ready asap.

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