is there are way to get the backoff events from ACI in log analytics?

Didier Caron 1 Reputation point

when i deploy a container instance and i connect it to log analytics i am seeing the events arriving in the workspace. However, when a container fails to start repeatedly i am not seeing the backoff message in log analytics. with a liveness probe i am seeing the unhealthy message and killing as a result of that. but the backoff message shows in the UI and the az cli logs but never in the log analytics workspace.

the diagnostics settings for my ACI looks like this:

   apiVersion: 2019-12-01  
   location: eastus  
   name: xgnliveness  
     - name: mycontainer  
           workspaceId: --redacted--  
           workspaceKey: --redacted--  
     osType: Linux  
     restartPolicy: Always  
   tags: null  
   type: Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups  

below is an example of the backoff message as returned by the CLI


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