can not get any update for SCCM in console

cfqy1073 1 Reputation point

i want to update my sccm from 1910 to 2002 in console and i tried you check update via " updates ans servicing" but can get any updates,
and i checked dmpdownloader.log file and there are some error as below, also the services "BITS" got stopped on the server.
is there anybody can help me?


Checking if dmpdownloader has synced recently... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
User hasn't synced in more than 600 seconds. User requested dmpdownloader sync. Will sync. SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Last time user Requested to sync: Tue Aug 25 10:35:46 2020 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Last time dmpdownloader Synced:Tue Aug 25 08:22:35 2020 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Last poll time: Tue Aug 25 10:36:01 2020 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Registering registry key change ... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Calling EasySetupDownload ... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Hasn't synced recently. SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Generating state message: 0 for package 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Write the state message in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\auth\\incoming\high___CMUj1gl2nky.SMX SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Successfully Dropped the state message 0 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Download Easy setup payloads SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Get url SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Get from download center. SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
GetSABranchInfo: Site is at 1 branch. SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Checking if dmpdownloader/UA has synced recently... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
Sync is not necessary. SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
OMSUA: Last time user Requested to sync: Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 1970 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
OMSUA: Last time dmpdownloader Synced:Sat Aug 22 02:06:07 2020 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
OMSUA: Last poll time: Tue Aug 25 10:36:01 2020 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
Registering registry key change for OMSUA ... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
Calling OMSUpgradeAnalyticsDownload ... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
OMSUA: Recently synced. SKIPPING. SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
Updating Upgrade Analytics Download interval... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
OMS Upgrade Analytics Download interval is: every 5250 minutes SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:01 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
ERROR: GetSccmConnectedServiceUrl Exception System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)~~ at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)~~ --- End of inner exception stack trace ---~~ at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()~~ at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.DmpConnector.Connector.SCCMConnectorUtility.GetSccmConnectedServiceUrl(IWebProxy prx) SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:22 AM 10292 (0x2834)
There is no sccmConnected service reachable SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:22 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Generating state message: 1 for package 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:22 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Write the state message in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\auth\\incoming\high___CMUav5kivpr.SMX SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:22 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Successfully Dropped the state message 1 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:22 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Download SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:22 AM 10292 (0x2834)
HasIntuneSubscription: Site has no Intune subscription. SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:25 AM 4544 (0x11C0)
AdminUI Content Download thread is starting... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:25 AM 11196 (0x2BBC)
Download Admin UI content payload SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:25 AM 11196 (0x2BBC)
Get AdminUI content cab url SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:25 AM 11196 (0x2BBC)
The payload will be downloaded to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminUIContentPayload\ConfigMgr.AdminUIContent.AUC SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:25 AM 11196 (0x2BBC)
Download SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:25 AM 11196 (0x2BBC)
WARNING: Failed to download easy setup payload with exception: Unable to connect to the remote server SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
WARNING: Retry in the next polling cycle SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Download QFE payloads SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Generating state message: 14 for package 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Write the state message in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\auth\\incoming\high___CMUl3uhhnyx.SMX SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Successfully Dropped the state message 14 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
searching for QFE packages in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\EasySetupPayload\offline SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Updating LastSyncedTime registry value SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Checking if dmpdownloader/UA has synced recently... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
Sync is not necessary. SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
OMSUA: Last time user Requested to sync: Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 1970 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
OMSUA: Last time dmpdownloader Synced:Sat Aug 22 02:06:07 2020 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
OMSUA: Last poll time: Tue Aug 25 10:36:43 2020 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
Registering registry key change for OMSUA ... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
Calling OMSUpgradeAnalyticsDownload ... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
OMSUA: Recently synced. SKIPPING. SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
Updating Upgrade Analytics Download interval... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
OMS Upgrade Analytics Download interval is: every 5249 minutes SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 3752 (0x0EA8)
Easy Setup Download interval is: every 1440 minutes SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Checking if dmpdownloader has synced recently... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Sync is not necessary. SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Last time user Requested to sync: Tue Aug 25 10:35:46 2020 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Last time dmpdownloader Synced:Tue Aug 25 10:36:43 2020 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Last poll time: Tue Aug 25 10:36:43 2020 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Registering registry key change ... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Calling EasySetupDownload ... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Recently synced. SKIPPING. SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Updating easysetup download interval... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
Easy Setup Download interval is: every 1440 minutes SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:43 AM 10292 (0x2834)
ERROR: Failed to download Admin UI content payload with exception: Unable to connect to the remote server SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:46 AM 11196 (0x2BBC)
Failed to call AdminUIContentDownload. error = Error -2146233079 SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:46 AM 11196 (0x2BBC)
AdminUI Content Download thread is exiting... SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER 8/25/2020 10:36:46 AM 11196 (0x2BBC)

Microsoft System Center
Microsoft System Center
A suite of Microsoft systems management products that offer solutions for managing datacenter resources, private clouds, and client devices.
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