Hello @AshrafSaad-4628 ,
Microsoft Graph API does not have any such method/function to control the camera at this point. however we do have a captureImage API which provides support for image capture which you can use to provide custom tabs on teams to provide embedded web experiences to your users. If you are trying to build a teams aware page and provide your functionality though a new tab within Teams then you can try using the JavaScript client SDK for Teams. You can access the native device functionalities like camera . microphone , location etc. by requesting device permission for your Microsoft Teams Tab.
For C# , I could not find similar code sample but you can check the Office dev repository where you may be able to find some samples to get started on Microsoft Teams Platform. If you are open to trying the same with Javascript , you can try the details as listed on this page . Hope this helps. If the information provided is helpful , please do accept the post as answer so that it is helpful to other members of the community searching for similar queries. In case you have any further queries, please feel free to let us know and we will be happy to help . I have included multiple links in the answer and I would suggest you to review the same. At this point some of the functionality you may be requiring may not be present via Graph API however we encourage you to provide any new feature request for Microsoft Graph on Microsoft Graph Feature Requests uservoice forum.
Thank you.