403 Error When Adding Members to Team via Graph API
I am encountering a 403 permission error when attempting to add a member to a team using the Graph API. This issue started recently, even though it previously worked without any problems. The setup is identical to the one described in this discussion.…
Shared with me not working with Client Secret Flow
Hi, I am using the Microsoft Graph 'Shared With Me' API to fetch all shared files using Client Secret Flow for authentication. Below is the relevant part of my code. However, when I execute the 'Shared With Me' API, I receive a Bad Request error (below…
How to create events for a specific group using Application Permission?
I'm trying to build a console app which create calendars events for a group. Looking at the official documentation, it still is not supported: https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/graph/api/group-post-events?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http. I have looked…
Error call api graph api
My account call rest api to : https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/mailFolders/Inbox/messages?$top=10&$orderby=receivedDateTime and i get error message : Application Request Queue Full HTTP Error 503. The application request queue is full.
MS Teams App Updation Graph API gives error response even if app updation is successful
Graph API endpoint to update an existing app gives response code as 400 instead of 201, but the actual updation happens successfully in the app…
Is it possible to subscribe a webhook to a specific folder in SharePoint?
I attempted to subscribe to a specific folder using the resource value /drives/{drive-id}/items/{folder-id}, but I encountered the following error: { "error": { "code": "InvalidRequest", …
Get-MgUserCalendarView "The specified object was not found in the store"
I'm attempting to get info on some of our resource calendars. Since this doesn't function well within the EXO Powershell, I was pointed towards the MSGraph module. So I use these commands: $StartDate = "2024-01-01T19:00:00-08:00" >>…
The extensions endpoint on DriveItems
Functionally it seems that POSTing a payload such as {"extensionName": "<some_unique_name>", "Custom Field": "Custom Value"} to a DriveItem's /extensions endpoint seems to work - it returns a 201, although it…
I need help renewing my icrosoft 365 developer programe expired subscription
I have recently joined the developer programme, and in the the middle of developing an interactive platform for word, and also looking at improving the team chat. My laptop was stolen and password hacked, I struggled with retrieving my log in details…
How to get the user activity logs for applications connected with Entra ID?
I am able to retrieve the last sign in times for applications for each user in my entra id using audit logs from the graph api, but can't find the logs of users's activity.
Custom attributes are not showing in User Profile Card
We tried to add the 'custom attributes' property in the profile card in our tenant using the profile card API in MS Graph. It seems to work properly in the Graph Explorer but 24 hours later we don't see the 'custom properties' on the profile card.…
Graph TodoTask delta endpoint does not support expand of extensions relationship
Given the following http request to Graph API, I receive BadRequest error with the following message { "error": { "code": "BadRequest", "message": "Parsing OData Select and Expand failed: Value…
How to assign a group to a device configuration?
In C# I am using the graph sdk to create a device configuration and I am trying to assign it to a security group but keep getting an OData error message. I am following the instructions from this link:…
EWS Managed API Authentication with Exchange on-premise (NTLM)
Hi! Could you please guide me on how to use NTLM authentication for the Microsoft EWS API services with Exchange Server On-Premises? According to the documentation…
Restrict app access of graph apis to specific folder of share point
While restricting an app to access a particular folder in a site only, I used POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{siteId}/drives/{driveId}/items/{itemId}/permissions { "roles": [ "read" ], "grantedTo": {…
Not able to call SharePoint Document Library driveitems using MS Graph API with filter functions 'contains' and 'endswith'.
We need to get files from the SharePoint Document Library with a filter that uses 'contains' and 'endswith'. The query goes as below: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{site-id}/drives/{drive-id}/items?$filter=contains(Name,'100001') and…
Issue while reading excel file from sharepoint Via graph API
Hi Team, I am reading an excel file that has multiple sheets from a standalone sharepiont site. While reading it the data inside the sheets is not being read rather it is coming empty columns. While debuggint the issue I observed a behaviour where by…
Do custom attributes in SharePoint user profile cards update for existing and new users?
I have a requirement to show extension/custom attributes in the user profile card in SharePoint. If post calls are made to the endpoint https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/admin/people/profileCardProperties, will the updated properties be visible to both…
When do I need to include the full namespace for a scope e.g. "https://graph.microsoft.com/Mail.Send" vs "Mail.Send"?
Hi Initially, I was led to believe that I would need to define a scope when requesting access as an application (application-level permissions) differently from when requesting as a logged-in users (delegated permissions). I would always use the…
Azure Resource Graph is seen for Value Get operation everday
Azure Resource Graph is seen for Value Get operation everyday and getting alert for Mass secret retrieval from Azure Key Vault