Fluidframework/azure-client token provider
I'm testing fluid relay for the first time, on a sample dice roll. The deployment is not working showing timeout errors, how to fix the error? and also I hope someone can answer these doubts If more than 150 users are available, how will it be…
Does Azure Notification Hub Support iOS VoIP Push Notifications?
I am using the paid service of Azure Notification Hub to send regular push notifications and VoIP push notifications. Regular push notifications are working fine for both Android and iOS. However, VoIP push notifications are not functioning on iOS. I…
Can Eventhub management endpoints return json (in stead of xml)
When querying fore some status information like described here (https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/rest/api/eventhub/list-consumer-groups) i get a XML response. I've tried with a request accept header requesting json (Accept: application/json), but…
Event Hubs: Return errors of REST API as JSON
When sending successfully JSON events to Azure Event Hubs REST API (https://<NAMESPACE>.servicebus.windows.net/<INSTANCE>/messages), it returns code 201 and no text. With e.g. a missspelled instance name in the URL or an ill-formed Shared…
Publishing to event hub via rest API is slow from ADF web activity
Publishing to message via rest api event hub using managed identity from dedicated integration runtime. Event Hub is premium with auto scale and there is enough TU. Messages are being sent one at a time. Each call takes 3 to 15 seconds to publish…
How to configure TLS 1.3 for Service Bus and Event Hub
As per below documentation, TLS 1.3 is enabled for Service bus and Event hubs, but TLS 1.3 option is not available in Configuration page of those resources. Also we are still able to select TLS 1.0 and 1.1 while creating new resources. How do we…
Intergrate Azure Schema Registry with Azure Service Bus
In the documentation it is mentioned that "In spite of being hosted in Azure Event Hubs, the schema registry can be used universally with all Azure messaging services and any other message or events broker". I believe that then with Azure…
How to enable batch processing of event hub triggers on python v2 azure functions?
The documentation mentions nothing about this for python v2. And only a single line about "cardinality" for v1. …
Extract Salesforce live data ingestion in Azure SQL database
I have successfully copied data from Salesforce to my Azure SQL Database using Azure Data Factory pipelines, and I want to ensure that my pipeline automatically retrieves updated or new entries from Salesforce into my database. I am considering using…
How can I scale my mobile application using Azure Event Hub to support more than 5 concurrent connections per consumer group for real-time sensor data processing?
I have a mobile application that reads sensor data, and we need it to support multiple users simultaneously. Currently, we use Azure Event Hub to handle the data, with consumer groups connecting to it. However, one consumer group only allows 5…
Azure Activity Logs for Management Group and Subscription creation/deletion do not match the expected schema
I have a diagnostic setting set up for my root management group: { "id": "providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/MY-ROOT-MANAGEMENT-GROUP-ID/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/ManagementSetting", …
Process streaming data with Synapse Pipeline or Data Flow
Hi Team, May I know if I can use Synapse pipeline or Data Flow to connect Eventhub and process Streaming data? Pipeline: Data Flow: I try to use this visual programming to create a process to read streaming data from eventhub and join cosmos db etc.…
Does IoThub pushes the historic data to event hub when we create a new message routing?
I want to understand whether Event Hub gets the Historic data from IoT Hub at the instance of creation of event hub endpoint?
Deprecation ETA on SAS Authentication for Azure Event Hub
Hi, I have come across these 2 pages encouraging the move to Microsoft Entra ID for authentication to Azure Event Hub, deprecating SAS: Receive change notifications through Azure Event Hubs Authenticate access to Event Hubs resources using shared…
How verifying the time about an incoming event and outcoming event
Hi, I've an Azure Event Hubs instance. I need to verify how long an event takes to income in the Hub and to outcome out the Hub. Which measure do I need to verify and how? Thanks
Streaming analytics job can't connect to Azure Event Hub input when using user assigned managed identity.
I am trying to use an Azure event hub as an input for a streaming analytics (SA) job. I want to use a user-assigned managed identity for the SA job. I followed the directions in this documentation:…
Optimal data format for events to manage with Azure Event Hubs
Hi, in order to manage events in Azure Event Hubs with optimal performances, which is the best data format to adopt for them? The events must enter and exit in the same format. Is it necessary to define a related schema in the Schema Registry? Any helps…
How to verify even hub is immutable
I need to provide proof to the Auditor that the azure event hub is immutable and append only. He needs proof based on config setting or code, not based on event hub doc. How can we provide the same?
Is there a way to check active connections and the auth type on Standard tier Event hubs?
Looks like runtime audit logs are available only in premium and dedicated tiers. Is there a way to check the event hub active connections and the auth type on Standard tier?
Adding a schema to Eventhub Schema registry with a private endpoint enabled
Greetings, As the title suggests I am trying to register a schema in an Eventhub Schema Registry which is in a vnet with a private endpoint enabled. I see that there is a warning sign inside the schema group saying: "This namespace has private…