Unable to Retrieve Reports for CampaignType 'Audience' using Reporting API DestinationUrlPerformanceReportRequest
I am using the Reporting API's DestinationUrlPerformanceReportRequest to retrieve reports. While I can successfully retrieve reports for CampaignType set to "Search & content," I am unable to retrieve reports when CampaignType is set to…
Bing ads api python
Hi all, I am trying to pull bing ads performance report in python but i am getting below error again and again can anyone please help DOWNLOAD_CAMPAIGN_REPORT: Processing Failed: (<class 'suds.TypeNotFound'>, TypeNotFound("Type not found:…
Yet another "Invalid client data" error
Please look up the tracking code and let me know what's wrong. Microsoft.BingAds.V13.Reporting.CouldNotSubmitReportingDownloadException: Submit download operation failed. --->…
Error after upgrading Microsoft.BingAds.SDK to 13.0.18 due to a Falcon compliance team alert
After upgrading Microsoft.BingAds.SDK from 13.0.11 to 13.0.18 due to a Falcon compliance team alert, we encountered an error when creating a new ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService> in our code. The exception thrown is like: Message: The…
How to submit an appeal to Microsoft Ads if the button isn't clickable?
I am trying to submit an appeal to have my account unsuspended by Microsoft Ads. When I follow the link provided by Microsoft Ads via email, I cannot click on the button. I tried with different browsers but nothing. Any ideas how to solve this? Or is…
Parsing WSDL Couldn't load from, adinsight.api.sandbox.bingads.microsoft.com doesn't work
Please help guys , why this sandbox wsdl not loading Fault Code: WSDL Fault String: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'https://adinsight.api.sandbox.bingads.microsoft.com/Api/Advertiser/AdInsight/v13/AdInsightService.svc?singleWsdl' : failed…
Inquiry about Discrepancy between Microsoft Advertising API and UI Data for conversion by goal
Dear Microsoft Support Team, I am reaching out to report an issue I am experiencing with the conversion goal data obtained from the Microsoft Ads platform. Specifically, there is a discrepancy between the conversion values displayed in the Microsoft Ads…
Inquiry about Discrepancy between Microsoft Advertising API and UI Data for conversion by goal
Dear Microsoft Support Team, I am reaching out to report an issue I am experiencing with the conversion goal data obtained from the Microsoft Ads platform. Specifically, there is a discrepancy between the conversion values displayed in the Microsoft Ads…
New Version Bing Ads API Release, what's the deprecation date for older version?
Hi, Recently saw a new version 13.0.21 (Bing Ads SDK) was released in early Sept, we are currently on 13.0.15 and want to prioritize the work properly. So wondering if there's a deprecation date for older version API anytime soon? particularly for…
My manager account has been blocked by Microsoft ads and I don't know why, is there any way to unblock it (identify the cause of the policy violation)?
We haven't had any problems running advertisements the past few months, but recently when we try to import a new advertisement from Google Ads, it gets blocked. We have no idea what policy we have violated and do not know what to fix. Any information…
Unable to get the Refresh Token - Bing Ads API
HI Team, I have been trying to follow the method outlined in the Quick Start guide, but I'm stuck at this. Note: I'm sending this question in different account. My actual developer account is different. Bing Ads API Version: 13.0.13 …
API - How to know when a campaign is "Limited by budget"?
I'm using Bing Ads API v.13 with a PHP SDK. Is there a way to know if a campaign has the status "Limited by budget" ? The function GetCampaignsByAccountId returns many parameters about campaigns but not this status.
DestinationUrlPerformanceReport is always empty. Has there been an recent changes to that report?
DestinationUrlPerformanceReport is always empty. All other reports are working as expected. The xml submitted is the following <s:Envelope xmlns:i="[http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"…
DestinationUrlPerformanceReport is always empty. Has there been an recent changes to that report?
DestinationUrlPerformanceReport is always empty. All other reports are working as expected. The xml submitted is the following <s:Envelope xmlns:i="[http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"…
Como alterar meus dados para poder fazer a verificação de identidade ?
Não estou conseguindo alterar o nome legal da minha empresa, com isso quando faço a verificação de identidade meus nomes não batem e não é aceito a verificação de identidade. Ja tentei editar várias vezes mas continua a mesma coisa. Preciso verificar…
Como alterar meus dados para poder fazer a verificação de identidade ?
Não estou conseguindo alterar o nome legal da minha empresa, com isso quando faço a verificação de identidade meus nomes não batem e não é aceito a verificação de identidade. Ja tentei editar várias vezes mas continua a mesma coisa. Preciso verificar…
Bing Ads API not returning all the labels in the account
This happens almost every week, when I create a new label with Campaign Management Service AddLabels operation, it says it's been created and I can find the label I just created in the web interface. But when I call GetLabelsByIds to get all the labels…
Is there any method to call Microsoft System Center Service Manager (SCSM) using python?
I'm developing a Python chatbot that needs to interact with SCSM by making API calls to log tickets, create incidents, update records, and perform similar tasks. Unfortunately, I haven't found any documentation or examples on how to call SCSM APIs from…
How to fix the error 'NoCompleteDataAvaliable' in keyword search using bing ads api
I am trying to retrieve the keywords for a specific date range using bing ads api keyword search and the response is: "s:ServerInvalid client data. Check the SOAP fault details for more information. TrackingId:…
Violation of Egregious Policy Microsoft Ads Account
I was setting up my Micorosoft Ads account today, then received the email of being suspended because of Egregious Policy. I am trying to appeal it, because it doesn't make any sense that this happened, but the page where I am supposed to appeal goes to…