A note to rule them all
I've fallen in love with two things while in Washington at MSSU. The first is OneNote. I was first introduced to it years ago when I had the opportunity to use a tablet for a while and at the time found Windows Journal easier to use than OneNote (looking back, a very "Notepad vs Word" argument). Since then I had never seen the use for it on a non-tablet device. Last week at MS101 I was sitting next to a guy from the UK who was writing notes in OneNote and some of the presenters mentioned it. So I started taking notes in it and one night went through the built-in getting started guide. Now I'm hooked. To the point that I plan on importing all of my hand-written notes so that I can easily search and find information. What a wonderful tool!
You can learn more about my other new passion at geocaching.com. Thanks to the good folks at PlayTime for the fun GeoTeaming event!