FREE LINQ to SQL Training in Sydney Nov 8th

Local MCT Deepak Kapoor is running a Free LINQ to SQL training day in the Microsoft Training Lab at North Ryde 10am – 4pm on Saturday Nov 8.

With .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft released LINQ which allows developers to write queries against various data sources using a unified approach. These data sources can be Plain Old CLR Objects, XML, SQL Server databases or any other query-able data source. LINQ To SQL allows developers to write queries in C# or VB.Net which eventually get translated into T-SQL and get executed on the database server. In this course you will learn how to use LINQ To SQL to create efficient Data Layer for applications. The course will start off with basics of LINQ To SQL and will finish off with practical guidance on using LINQ To SQL in real world applications.

So if you have heard about LINQ To SQL but have not yet jumped into the wonderful world of writing LINQ queries. If you are considering LINQ To SQL for your project. If you think that you need a head start on LINQ To SQL. Then attend this one day course and give yourself a LINQ To SQL confidence boost.

The course will cover (this list is a work in progress and I may add items to it as days pass)

1. Introduction to LINQ

2. Introduction to LINQ To SQL

3. The basics (create objects and use DataContext to query database. Do this without the designer)

4. DataContext and its very important role in LINQ To SQL Story

5. SQLMetal

6. Using Designer

7. Basic CRUD with LINQ

8. Working with Stored Procedures

9. DataContext Management

10. Advance queries.

11. Serialization for entities

12. Performance considerations

This is a great example of the community reaching out to help the community.

Places are limited to the first 20 people to register. Register by sending me an email through the contact page here.
