EF6.1.2 Beta 1 Available

Today we are making Beta 1 of the EF6.1.2 release available. This patch release contains bug fixes and some contributions from our community.


What’s in Beta 1?

EF6.1.2 is mostly about bug fixes, you can see a list of the fixes included in EF6.1.2 on our CodePlex site.

We also accepted a couple of noteworthy changes from members of the community:

  • Query cache parameters can be configured from the app/web.configuration file

      <queryCache size='1000' cleaningIntervalInSeconds='-1'/>   
  • SqlFile and SqlResource methods on DbMigration allow you to run a SQL script stored as a file or embedded resource.


Where do I get the beta?

The runtime is available on NuGet. Follow the instructions on our Get It page for installing the latest pre-release version of Entity Framework runtime.

The tooling for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 is available on the Microsoft Download Center. The tooling will also be included in the next preview of Visual Studio “14”.



This is a preview of changes that will be available in the final release of EF6.1.2 and is designed to allow you to try out the new features and report any issues you encounter. Microsoft does not guarantee any level of support on this release.

If you need assistance using the new features, please post questions on Stack Overflow using the entity-framework tag.


Thank you to our contributors

We’d like to say thank you to folks from the community who have contributed to the 6.1.2 release so far:

  • BrandonDahler
  • ErikEJ
  • Honza Široký
  • martincostello
  • UnaiZorrilla


  • Anonymous
    September 23, 2014
    It seems like the model initialization is faster now. I haven't measured it, but, if it really is true, that's great news. Thanks to whoever worked on that one. SQL Server 2012 OFFSET/FETCH is something that I've been wanting as well. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    September 25, 2014
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 25, 2014
    @Jon - Could you file an issue so that we can investigate - entityframework.codeplex.com/.../Create. One of the reasons we do beta's is to catch issues like this so that we can fix them for RTM. Be sure to include code (or even better, a complete project) that demonstrates the issue.

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2014
    Hello. I faced with EF issue that looks like still have no solution. Details are here: stackoverflow.com/.../same-application-different-databases-entity-framework-6-x-mysql-ms-sql I will appreciate any input. Thank you

  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2014
    @Artem - I followed up on your StackOverflow question.

  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2014
    Thank you, Rowan. Just commented it on stack overflow

  • Anonymous
    October 15, 2014
    Hello, Rowan. I updated issue description by your request. Thank you in advance.

  • Anonymous
    October 15, 2014
    Hello Rowan, I have posted an Suggestion for a new functionality ("SELECT" Stored Procedures in EF (not only for I/U/D)) a year ago on codeplex: entityframework.codeplex.com/.../1772 become no answer on codeplex - is there a Chance to have such a  functionality in EF 7? robert

  • Anonymous
    October 17, 2014
    @Robert - Sorry about the lack of response on your CodePlex issue, I have followed up on there now.

  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2014
    Hello Rowan, Thanks for your Response - I wondering that there are so few People who are using Stored procedures also for retrieving data - we use SP's because we have many complex SQL queries and to do this with LINQ is not possible/complicated... it is very interesting that such a functionality (use Stored Procedures for all also select) was there for ADO.NET Typed Datasets with Table Adapters but I think it is not useful/possible to use Table Adapters in new Projects (ASP.NET MVC)? Maybe the best is to use native ADO.NET or the Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block to call the stored procedures? robert

  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2014
    @Artem - I've followed up again on StackOverflow

  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2014
    @Robert - I followed up on CodePlex, I think the analogy to loading a typed data set from sproc(s) is already supported, more details on my CodePlex reply.

  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2014
    Hello, is there any way to submit pull requests for the tooling, like we can with EF? I've made a few useful changes to the default .TT files; for example adding the [ConcurrencyCheck] attribute to properties where ConcurrencyMode is set to "Fixed" in the EDMX. This seems to be the only way to get ETags working properly in OData v4 using database-first. But the "default" TT files used by Visutal Studio don't seem to be located on GitHub.

  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2014
    @Daryl - GitHub is just for EF7 (and there is no tooling for EF7 yet). You can find the EF6.x tooling on our CodePlex site - entityframework.codeplex.com/.../latest. And yes, we accept pull requests :).