ADO.NET vNext - a load of links....
The ADO.NET vNext Community Technology Preview ('CTP') went live today...Hopefully I can convince Tommy Williams to write up his 'from the trenches' post once he's recovered ;-)
Anyways, on to the LINQs links:
- Announcing: The ADO.NET vNext August CTP, by Pablo Castro
- ADO.NET vNext CTP - tools and screencast, by Sanjay Nagamangalam
- Incremental Improvement, Important Milestones, and Complementary Goals, by Britt Johnston
And, of course, you can get a hold of the download itself.
MSDN Forum
- Got feedback for the ADO.NET team on the CTP? Questions? Running into issues? Something broke? Confused? Frustrated?
Feeling lonely? Go here: ADO.NET vNext Technical Preview Forum
Now, if you aren't familiar with all this ADO.NET vNext business, check out these resources:
- Next-Generation Data Access: Making the Conceptual Level Real - José Blakeley, David Campbell, Jim Gray, S. Muralidhar, Anil Nori (yeah that Jim Gray!)
- The ADO.NET Entity Framework Overview
- ADO.NET Tech Preview: Entity Data Model
Channel 9
- Chatting about LINQ and ADO.NET Entities - Anders Hejlsberg and Sam Druker
- ADO.NET Entity Framework on Channel 9 – Pablo Castro, Mike Pizzo and Britt Johnston
- ADO.NET vNext CTP - tools and screencast (out today), Sanjay Nagamangalam
- ADO.NET vNext screencast, Shyam Pather
Blog posts
- Announcing: The ADO.NET vNext August CTP (out today), by Pablo Castro
- Incremental Improvement, Important Milestones, and Complementary Goals (out today), by Britt Johnston
- ADO.NET vNext: The Entity Framework, LINQ and more by Pablo Castro
- Entities in Olympus and Channel 9... by Britt Johnston
- Conceptual Schema by Britt Johnston
- ADO.NET vNext - feedback so far, by Alex Barnett
- LINQ and ADO.NET innovations, by Somasega
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