XAML Chick

Possible Windows Live ID bug preventing https://webmaster.live.com signup

Thanks to Nataliya for sending the email. Look like there is a possible Windows Live ID bug which we...

Date: 04/03/2008

Creation of https://www.LivewithAni.com

So you are probably wondering why a new blog? Well, it's simple, since I become the Senior Product...

Date: 04/03/2008

setup your own 'Become a Fan' page on Facebook!

Okay so after a long time I have finally joined Facebook, and now it is time to for me to expand my...

Date: 04/03/2008

empowering women by eliminating racism - powered by Microsoft

{iGive=y}; Help Microsoft support the YWCA in honor of National Women’s History month in March...

Date: 03/06/2008

my new book about Excel 2007

Check out my new book coming August of 2008 all for chicks who want to learn more about technology....

Date: 02/28/2008

New to SEO? SMX West 2008 - History of Search engines

The history of Search Engines then dove into the meat of it. So did you know? There is rocket...

Date: 02/27/2008

New to SEO? SMX West 2008 agenda

Okay so you couldn't make it to SMX West 2008 and are wondering what the agenda is, and what we are...

Date: 02/27/2008

New to SEO? SMX West 2008 Paid search fundamentals

What is PPC? Paid per click. You can utilize Google adwords. You can also write different adds...

Date: 02/26/2008

New to SEO and webmaster tools?

So as you may have already heard/red I have changed roles. In my new role I will be focusing on SEO...

Date: 02/26/2008

New to SEO? SMX West 2008 Keyword Research Tools & Techniques

Christine Churchill began the SMX Boot camp sequence this AM with the first session on Keyword...

Date: 02/26/2008

XAMLChick on the move to SEO and webmaster land...

What do SEO, webmaster tools and I have in common? Well I have taken a new role with the Live Search...

Date: 02/14/2008

Let's Help him -- Wanting to blog around the world?

When I was a Developer Evangelist we started this idea called: ".NET Bring your family." I thought...

Date: 01/30/2008

.NET Shared Source

Microsoft is making source code for the .Net Framework available to interested developers under its...

Date: 10/03/2007

.NET open source?

Well not quite :) But you can at least see the code which will help with debugging! Something good...

Date: 10/03/2007

Mary Joe Foley to write a Microsoft 2.0 book?

In her blog post Mary Joe said: "I am writing a book about -- you guessed it -- Microsoft. It will...

Date: 09/27/2007

It's always nice - B.C. Government

It's always nice that an article get's written about a presentation I found myself working closely...

Date: 09/27/2007

Where have we come from? Where are we going?

Michael Barrett, PayPal’s CSIO started speaking about how early times (‘60s and ‘70s) Multics, RACF...

Date: 09/26/2007

Check this out, my bosses, bosses, bosses, boss is blogging?

You know it's kinda strange yet expected and kind of a nice surprise when 4 levels up above me begin...

Date: 09/26/2007

Why did I fall off again? June 28th thru Sep 24th?

Well for a while there I was heads down trying to understand my new role and figure out what the...

Date: 09/25/2007

Enterprise (E-SSO) with Mobile Devices

Microsoft, Avaya, Sprint and Ping Identity come together to discuss E-SSO (Enterprise Single...

Date: 09/25/2007

Citi Corporate and Identity Metasystem

Really a more overall business presentation about how and why Kim Cameron’s 7 laws apply. Attended...

Date: 09/25/2007

B.C. Government at DIDW 2007

Ian Bailey, Director of Application Architecture of Providence of British Columbia spoke about the...

Date: 09/25/2007

Novell & Microsoft - Manage your Identity Campaign kickoff!

Novell has started a Manage your identity campaign. As stated by the briefing: “To drive better,...

Date: 09/24/2007

SOA & Identity or Identity as SaaS?

SOA & Identity or Identity as SaaS? Within the 5 sessions happening at the same time at DIDW...

Date: 09/24/2007

Microsoft, Novell, Ping Identity and Gemalto together at Digital ID World

When it comes to identity it just makes sense to have different solutions working together. So much...

Date: 09/24/2007

Identity, Xbox 360 and Lego Mindstorm Robot?

How does CardSapce, Xbox 360 Controller, and Lego Mindstorm Robot tie to .NET Framework? It’s pretty...

Date: 09/24/2007

What an AMAZING honor - Virtaul TechEd 2007

Several years ago I had a chance to attend a women in technology lunch hosted at TechEd hear what...

Date: 06/28/2007

Excel 2007 - A dream comes true!

For a while now I had this dream of enabling more women to take bigger roles in technology, since...

Date: 05/01/2007

Where is XAML Chick?

There has been this very quiet quiet time…for a while now, okay so about 4 months…where oh were did...

Date: 05/01/2007

Expression Web - Got your fix?

So you are out there looking at the https://www.Microsoft.com/Expression website and wondering how...

Date: 01/10/2007

.NET Bring Your Family to Vista, Office 2007 and Lego Mindstorm Robot :)

As all of you know the big launch of Office 20007 and Vista is coming. Along with it so is .NET...

Date: 01/08/2007

Upcoming events - PDC 2007, MIX 07, TechEd 2007 what? where? when? HUH?

Okay for those of you who want to know more about PDC, MIX and TechEd what they are and if you...

Date: 01/04/2007

Denver Blizzard 2006 – My journey back home! Part 3 of 3

I am home YEY!!! So for those of you wonder how the journey continued and finally ended… I flew from...

Date: 12/22/2006

WPF/E updates!

For those of you trailing the WPF/E story, I’ve been really silent on it for a while, as we were...

Date: 12/21/2006

Denver Blizzard 2006 – My journey back home! Part 1 & 2 of 3

So after the latest events in my life, I thought I would take a personal approach and introduce you...

Date: 12/21/2006

.NET 3.0 is ALIVE!

.Net Framework 3.0 shipped today :) share the links! You can find the following items at: .NET 3.0...

Date: 11/07/2006

Beyond the Hype, What is Web 2.0? at WITI Conf 2006 - Santa Clara, CA

Currently attending WITI Conf being held in Santa Clara, CA Oct 29-31st. I was a panelist on the...

Date: 10/30/2006

Day 2: Ruby Conf 2006 - Vista Presentation

So for all those who think Vista is a Microsoft product and the open source especially Ruby people...

Date: 10/22/2006

Microsoft does Ruby too! Ruby.Net

Gardens Point Ruby.NET Compiler https://plas.fit.qut.edu.au/Ruby.NET Announcing Ruby.NET Preliminary...

Date: 10/20/2006

Day 1: Ruby Conf 2006 Denver - Life after mkmf?

Kevin Clark did a sumber project with Google during which he was tasked with writing the next...

Date: 10/20/2006

Day 1: Ruby Conf 2006 Denver, CO - Dynamic Graphics with Ruby

There is some cool stuff going on with this scripting lingo Ruby. There are a few sites that use the...

Date: 10/20/2006

Day 1: Ruby Conf 2006 Denver - keynote History of Ruby

History of Ruby by Masayoshi Takahashi in full Japanese attire. This was really cool! He was a...

Date: 10/20/2006

Atlas with any othe name is: Microsoft AJAX Library

For some of you who are still calling Microsoft AJAX, "Atlas" the name has changed. Atlas is being...

Date: 10/10/2006

We're moving - - Microsoft office Denver

Starging Oct 23rd we will be working out of our new location not too far from our old location. For...

Date: 09/24/2006
