Unblocking a downloaded file on Windows 8
Recently I had to download some windows 8 consumer preview drivers for my Samsung Series 7 Slate. But when a file is downloaded from the web, Windows tags those files (if its an archive, it tags the files inside that archive as well) with a security attribute to ‘block’ execution of those files. Previous windows versions allowed unblocking via the File Properties property window. In Windows 8 Consumer Preview, it looks like its missing from the explorer ribbon! So the recourse is to use powershell cmdlet to unblock the file as follows.
- Launch Windows Powershell (type powershell on the start screen, it comes bundled in Windows 8)
- Type “Unblock-File <<file_to_unblock.extn>>”
(you can type unb and press tab to autocomplete the cmdlet, and the first few chars of the filename and tab to autocomplete that too) - A successful execution of the cmdlet shows no message.
If you need more info on the Unblock-File cmdlet, type “Get-Help Unblock-File” for the details on what arguments it accepts. Also available here.
- Anonymous
May 05, 2012
Or simply download the Trim Zone ID shell extension from www.gasanov.net/ZoneIDTrimmer.asp. Also works on multiple files. For EXE files, you will get a SmartScreen nag, just ignore that, the Zone ID will still be removed. That shell extension will also give you a nice overlay icon for files that have the Zone ID stored in the Alternate Data Stream. Or just configure a Group Policy "Do not preserve zone information in file attachments".